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The mission of the IPK Gatersleben, a Leibniz Institute, is to conduct basic and applied research in the area of plant genetics and crop plant research. The results of this work are not only of significant benefit to plant breeders and the agricultural industry, but also to the food, feed, and chemical ... [Information of the supplier]
The IRRI Library is responsible for maintaining the Rice Bibliography. Whereas the library catalogue contains a large collection of books and journals of interest to scientists researching rice or rice-related topics, the Rice Bibliography is a comprehensive bibliography of all books and articles ... [Information of the supplier]
The SoyBase web presence offers a comprehensive spectrum of data and tools for research on the soya bean, Glycine max. It integrates genetic and molecular-biological resources that are particularly relevant to the use of the soya bean. The data are organised primarily in the form of maps (Genetic Map, ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
Svensk Kulturväxtdatabas (SKUD) is a national reference network for data about Swedish cultivated plants. Svensk Kulturväxtdatabas registers information about Swedish cultivated plants, their names, and their properties. A particular focal point of this database is the description of nomenclatural and ... [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]
This site offers a table of poisonous plants in Germany, linked to profiles and images of the individual species. [Editorial staff vifabio]
The purpose is the creation of a comprehensive computer supported decision/help system for pharmacotherapy and clinical toxicology. At present, CliniPharm/CliniTox has the following components: 1) an animal medicine compendium for Switzerland; 2) specialist information about therapeutic substances; 3) ... [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]
Das GIFTPFLANZEN.COMpendium will Ihnen einige Giftpflanzen vorstellen, wobei ein bewußt ausschweifendes, mit zahlreichen Exkursen versehenes Konzept gewählt wurde. Sie sollen ebenso Informationen über die Definition von Gift, über andere Gefahrstoffe als Gifte, über die chemische Zeichensprache und über ... [Information des Anbieters]
The Former Soviet Union has a rich agricultural heritage. In 2003 our project set out to develop a Russian-English Agricultural Atlas that covers the area of the Former Soviet Union. Scheduled to be completed in 2009, the Atlas will illustrate the historic distribution of economic plants and their pests ... [Information of the supplier]
Welcome to University of Wisconsin's Weeds Information website. Weeds are defined as undesirable plants or plants that oppose the management objectives of the land. This project conducts research and education activities designed to provide useful information to the public that is specific to weedy ... [Information of the supplier]
The XIV International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds will take place from 2nd to 7th March 2014 in Kruger National Park, South Africa, at the Nombolo Mdhuli Conference Centre, Skukuza. South Africa has a long history of biological control of weeds, and celebrates its centenary during 2013 after ... [Information of the supplier]
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