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On the Kamchatka peninsula in Eastern Siberia, in a collapsed volcano called the Uzon Caldera, the steaming hot springs of the Kamchatka Microbial Observatory are a natural laboratory for studying extremophiles. Scientists from all over the world gather in this remote and undeveloped volcanic valley. [Information of the supplier]
Understanding both the climate and the functioning of the earth as a system is one of the largest challenges of our time. In this context, polar regions play a pivotal role. Melting ice caps at the poles will cause sea levels to rise and, consequently, will make many coastal areas uninhabitable. Thawing ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Welcome to WhaleNet's interactive educational web site which focuses on whales and marine research. WhaleNet is sponsored by Wheelock College in Boston, Massachusetts with initial support from the National Science Foundation [Information of the supplier]
Save the Manatee Club (SMC) is a membership-based, national nonprofit organization. Funds from the Adopt-A-Manatee program go toward public awareness and education projects; manatee research; rescue and rehabilitation efforts; advocacy and legal action in order to ensure better protection for manatees ... [Information of the supplier]
DUCKDATA provides a comprehensive bibliography of published literature on the ecology, conservation, and management of North American waterfowl and their wetland habitats. The primary objective of DUCKDATA is to provide access to the extensive literature concerning North American waterfowl, including ... [Information of the supplier]
The Marine Mammals Bibliography describes publications (books, journal articles, etc.) about marine mammals and related subjects (fisheries, food, etc.). The bibliography consists of two files of citations: Allen and Mead. The Allen file represents citations contained in Allen, J.A. 1882. Preliminary ... [Information of the supplier]
Pinguine und ihre Biologie sind das Thema dieser Seite der SeaWorld-Tierdatenbank. [Redaktion vifabio]
Diese mit viel Aufmerksamkeit und Liebe zum Detail gestaltete private Homepage zum Thema Pinguine beschäftigt sich eingehend mit allen Aspekten der Tauch - und Schwimmkünstler: Anatomie, Physiologie und Bionikprinzipien der Pinguine werden ausführlich dargestellt, ebenso wie Naturschutzaspekte und ... [Redaktion vifabio]
Diese private Webseite behandelt ausführlich alles, was man (vielleicht) schon immer über Pinguine wissen wollte. Neben einer umfangreichen Artenliste mit Beschreibung und Bildergalerie gibt es auch Verweise auf in - und ausländische Zoos oder Tiergärten, wo Pinguine zu sehen sind. [Redaktion vifabio]
Sponsored by WDCS, this site is dedicated to the conservation of the critical habitats of whales, dolphins and porpoises in national waters and on the high seas of the world ocean. You will find explanations of key marine protected area (MPA) terms such as critical habitat and ecosystem-based management; ... [Information of the supplier]
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