The Eagle Conservation Alliance (ECA), a global partnership of experts working to conserve eagles, is the first international organization focused exclusively on eagle conservation. The mission of the ECA is to share and enhance resources and knowledge in order to cooperatively understand and conserve the world of eagles. The primary goals are to improve management for conservation of existing eagle populations; recover and, when appropriate, reintroduce eagles to nature; conduct research; provide global advice and technical support; develop and distribute information; integrate native communities into conservation efforts, fundraise for priority initiatives; and build capacity for training in science and eagle management. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
The Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded vulture is a national non-governmental organisation, which carries out actions related to research, conservation and public information, aimed at recovering the Bearded Vulture in the Spanish mountains. [Information of the supplier]
The Philippine Eagle Foundation firmly believes that the fate of our vanishing Philippine Eagle, the health of our environment, and the quality of Philippine life are inextricably linked. We are therefore committed to promote the survival of the Philippine Eagle, the biodiversity it represents, and the sustainable use of our forest resources for future generations to enjoy. ... [Information of the supplier]
Der Verband wurde 1981 zum Schutz unserer heimischen Eulen gegründet. Er führt mit Unterstützung der schleswig-holsteinischen Landesregierung Artenschutzprogramme für folgende Eulenarten im Lande durch: Raufußkauz (Aegolius funereus), Sperlingskauz (Glaucidium passerinum), Steinkauz (Athene noctua), Schleiereule (Tyto alba) und Uhu (Bubo bubo). Damit trägt der Landesverband Eulen-Schutz in Schleswig-Holstein ganz wesentlich zur Erfüllung der Verpflichtungen bei, die sich aus den europäischen Naturschutzrichtlinien (FFH und EG-Vogelschutzrichtlinie) ergeben. ... [Information des Anbieters]
Die Projektgruppe Seeadlerschutz ist ein Zusammenschluss von verschiedenen Naturschutzverbänden (WWF, NABU, BUND, OAG), der Landesjägerschaft, dem Waldbesitzerverband, dem Umweltministerium und dem Forstamt Eutin als Seeadlerschutzstation. Gegründet wurde die Projektgruppe Seeadlerschutz bereits 1968 im Rahmen des WWF-Projektes "Greifvogelschutzprogramm in Schleswig-Holstein". Seit 1997 ist die Projektgruppe Seeadlerschutz als gemeinnützig anerkannter Verein tätig und führt seither im Auftrag des Landes Schleswig-Holstein das Artenschutzprojekt Seeadler durch. ... [Information des Anbieters]
For a long time breeding Bearded Vultures in captivity seemed almost impossible. Before the first successful reproductions at the Alpenzoo Innsbruck it was only in the twenties that a pair at Sofia Zoo had successfully raised chicks. One of the main problems was the difficulty in distinguishing male and female Bearded Vultures by external features. This hampered the formation of pairs. Because in the case when two males are put together, these behave like a pair, but, obviously, they produce no eggs. Today, by using new techniques, sex determination has become much easier. Within the project, all young Bearded Vultures are raised exclusively by parent birds. Raising by human "foster-parents" would lead to irreversible behavioural deficiencies. Only through the cooperation of zoos from all over Europe did the reintroduction project become possible. In some of these zoos today "grandchildren" of the first Bearded Vulture pairs are already breeding. Currently about 100 Bearded Vultures belong to the breeding stock of the project. The four release sites - situated at a distance of about 200-300 km from each other - are almost all in national parks or nature reserves. Bearded Vultures once occurred at each site. Also today, virtually unchanged natural habitats and extensive cliffs provide optimal conditions for Bearded Vultures. Large populations of chamois, red deer and ibex are a particular feature of the four sites. ... [Information of the supplier]
Fauna & Flora International was established over a century ago. Founded in 1903, it was the world’s first international conservation organization and the pioneering work of its founders in Africa led to the creation of numerous protected areas, including Kruger and Serengeti National Parks. People and the environment are often trapped together in a downward spiral. Impoverished communities may consume the few natural resources available to them, which can result in greater poverty, deforestation, degraded soils, polluted water, disease and environmental crisis. A distinctive feature of Fauna & Flora International is our focus on working with local communities to help them develop their capacity to conserve their own biodiversity whilst also improving their living standards - long into the future. ... [Information of the supplier]
The countrywide Natura 2000 area database offers search possibilities in the Natura 2000 areas in Germany and provides information about their protected resources. Precise area information can be accessed separately for bird protection, and flora and fauna habitat areas (FFH areas) by area number, area size, the occurrence of habitat types and Appendix II species or bird species (Appendix I and migratory-bird species) as well as an area description. The area selection is made through the choice of one or more Federal States. By clicking on the area number you obtain the appropriate area profile. Inside the area profile you obtain a habitat profile by clicking on a habitat code. Input of the whole or part of an area name gives you a further selection possibility on the start page of the bird protection or FFH areas. All statements are taken from the German standard data sheet submitted to the EU. ... [Information of the supplier, translated]
Ein Projekt des Deutschen Verbandes für Landschaftspflege (DVL) in Kooperation mit dem Landschaftspflegeverband Mittlere Oder und dem Landschaftspflegeverband Südpfalz. Der Aufbau des europaweiten Netzes von geschützten Lebensräumen – Natura 2000 – ist ein wichtiger Meilenstein zur Erhaltung und Entwicklung der biologischen Vielfalt in Europa. Die Ausweisung und Sicherung der FFH- und Vogelschutzgebiete kann aber nicht ohne den dort wirtschaftenden Menschen vorgenommen werden. Denn die Nutzung oder Pflege vieler Flächen ist unabdingbare Voraussetzung für den Erhalt dieser Lebensräume. Notwendig ist deshalb eine enge Zusammenarbeit von Landnutzern, Kommunen und Naturschützern. ... [Information des Anbieters]
This project proposes a multi-year, worldwide project to resolve foundational aspects of taxonomy and conservation for the world’s owls. Work under this project is focused on six tasks: develop scientifically robust inventory techniques for locating owls and their nests; analyze the molecular systematics and phylogeny of owls using basically mtDNA but also ncDNA; acquire high-quality recordings of owl vocalizations, to assist in species identification; conduct analysis of the morphological aspects on new owl taxa found, to assist in identification; refine maps of owl species distributions; distribute project information via internet pages, publications, and symposia to a very wide audience, including national and international biodiversity programs. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]