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My name is Rick Speare and my aim at this site is to provide high quality information on diseases of amphibians with a focus on diseases of significance in wild populations. Much of the information deals with the diseases, particularly chytridiomycosis, associated with amphibian declines. I hope you ... [Information of the supplier]
Save the frogs! is an international team of scientists, educators, policymakers and naturalists dedicated to protecting the world’s amphibian species. Our mission is to protect amphibian populations and the habitats in which they live, and in so doing create a society that respects, enjoys and protects ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Amphibien und Reptilien gehören zu den bedrohtesten Tierarten in der Schweiz. 90 % aller in der Schweiz vorkommenden Arten stehen auf der Roten Liste und sind mehr oder weniger stark gefährdet. Die Koordinationsstelle für Amphibien- und Reptilienschutz in der Schweiz (karch) hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ... [Information des Anbieters]
"Reptiles & Amphibians of the UK" provides a forum for news and discussions about the British herpetofauna. After a severe corruption of the underlying database and collapse of the original website, and after some restoration work, as a result you will now see a new menu option "Archived Forums". This ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
Maybe you have heard something about the concern among scientists about disappearing amphibians. Populations of frogs and toads all over the world have disappeared or declined, and naturally people are worried. To find out what is happening to our froggy friends, volunteer naturalists everywhere are ... [Information of the supplier]
Toads and frogs often conjure up thoughts of wet places--misty swamps and enchanted nights when mysterious calls rise from the water's edge. Although wetlands are crucial to their life cycle, these amphibians don't live exclusively in water. They often emerge from their aquatic homes to become land ... [Information of the supplier]
The ASG supports the protection of amphibians and their habitats around the world by partnering with local organizations and individuals. Whenever appropriate and possible, new site-level projects will link with Amphibian Ark initiatives to ensure that species are not lost to disease, over-harvest, and ... [Information of the supplier]
The Cryptobranchid Interest Group is dedicated to the funding and support of research and conservation for hellbenders and giant salamanders. With the help of private donations from people all over the world, we have helped field researchers in their pursuit to better understand the natural history of ... [Information of the supplier]
This corner of the net is home to all kinds of virtual frogginess, from the silly to the scientific. [Information of the supplier]
The Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR), a not-for-profit organization established to advance research, conservation, and education concerning amphibians and reptiles, was founded in 1958. It is the largest international herpetological society, and is recognized worldwide for having ... [Information of the supplier]
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