This private web site deals with insects, which larvae mining leafs. It is the result of an on-going project, set up to photograph and record all the leaf mining fauna which occur in Britain. The leaf mining fauna includes Coleoptera (beetles), Diptera (flies), Symphyta (sawflies) and Lepidoptera (moths). The web site deals with 517 species which are presented with short information about host plant, phenology, and mostly with some pictures. Also the National Leafmining Lepidoptera Scheme is presented. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
A gall is an abnormal growth produced by a plant or other host under the influence of another organism. Most galls are caused by fungi or invertebrates. Prominent among the latter are aphids (Aphidae), mites (Acari), psyllids (Psyllidae), gall-midges (Cecidomyiidae), gall-flies (Tephritidae), gall-wasps (Cynipidae) and sawflies (Symphyta), but a wide range of other invertebrates are included. Galls can also be caused by viruses, bacteria and phytoplasmas. The British Plant Gall Society (BPGS), founded in 1985, aims to encourage and co-ordinate the study of plant galls, with particular reference to the British Isles. The society publishes the journal Cecidology. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
This database is a completely revised new edition of the "Index Litteraturae Entomologicae : Serie I : Die Welt-Literatur über die gesamte Entomologie bis inclusive 1863" published by Walther Horn und Sigmund Schenkling in 1928-1928. The most important new features are: (a) the original 25,229 citations (Horn & Schenkling 1928) have been increased to over 46,500; the extra data result from resolution of highly condensed original entries or are new; (b) over 11,300 authors, artists, engravers, etc. have been recorded separately, thus supporting searches with various spellings of the name and connecting the bibliography with the biographies; (c) over 10,300 journals, publishers etc., (called ‘sources’) have been recorded separately, thus supporting searches with various spellings of the title; dating information is included and titles are given in full; (d) parts of works, other editions, addenda, translations, etc. were cross-referenced; (e) Publication dates of the works have been revised based on secondary sources (see references); (f) the citations can be exported in text format or BibTex format; (g) users can comment on each citation and contribute to improving the database. ... [Information of the supplier]
This guide provides photographs and descriptions of biological control (or biocontrol) agents of insect, disease and weed pests in North America. It is also a tutorial on the concept and practice of biological control and integrated pest management (IPM). [Information of the supplier]
The German Phytomedical Society (Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft e.V., DPG) is the largest scientific association in plant production in Germany. The Society is membership-based, and its members are professionals within the entire field of phytomedicine. We define phytomedicine as the science of plant disorders (whether biotic or abiotic), their diagnosis, management and control. Phytomedicine deals with all infectious agents that attack plants, and also covers damage caused to crops by pests, diseases and weeds. Under our definition, we additionally include abiotic disorders such as drought, frost, flooding, poor drainage, nutrient deficiency, salt deposition and other soluble mineral excesses or wind, which may occur naturally or be man-made. Other examples of man-made ‘problems’ include soil compaction, pollution of air and soil, salt applications on roads in urban areas, overuse of pesticides, as well as poor education and poor training of people working with plants. ... [Information of the supplier]
A gall is an abnormal growth produced by the host organism in response to the presence of another living organism . If the host is a plant, we call it a plant gall. The galls can be caused by animals (zoocecidia) and also by plants (phytocecidia) or fungi. The most familiar galls are caused by midges, wasps, mites and fungi, but gall-inducing organisms can be found in many more groups of organisms. This website will show you some of them. ... [Information of the supplier]
Der aufmerksame Naturfreund findet an Pflanzen immer wieder auffällige Wachstumserscheinungen. Häufig handelt es sich hierbei um Gallen (Cecidien), d.h. um typische Wachstumsleistungen der Pflanze auf Grund der Einwirkung eines Gallenerzeugers tierischer oder pflanzlicher Natur. Für Deutschland fehlt eine leicht zugängliche systematische Zusammenstellung von Gallenfotos im Internet zur Information. Diese "Fotogalerie Pflanzengallen" möchte zu einer schnellen Orientierung auf diesem Gebiet beitragen. Insbesondere versteht sie sich als eine zusätzliche Illustration zu den Bestimmungstabellen der Gallen (Zoo- und Phytocecidien) an Pflanzen Mitteleuropas von Dr. Herbert Buhr ... [Information des Anbieters]
This private web site deals with aphids (Aphidina, Sternorrhyncha) and their impact on economic and ornamental plants. Therefore a short introduction, some notes on native predators, the image of diseases and hints on abatement efforts are available. [Editorial staff vifabio]
UTAH PESTS is a portal for learning more about pests (mainly insects) and their beneficial counterparts around the US-state of Utah and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) (minimizing costs and environmental degradation). Information are presented in several ways (e.g. sheets, pictures, videos, slideshows). Furthermore a periodical newsletter is available. ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
This web page introduce to several plant pests, mainly insects. The information focus on pests in North Carolina. Beside information on damages by pests and pest control, many taxa are described. For these taxa statements on their biology, control and identification are available. [Editorial staff vifabio]