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The International Working Group on Taxonomic Databases is a not for profit scientific and educational association, affiliated to the International Union of Biological Sciences, formed to establish international collaboration among biological database projects so as to promote the wider and more effective ... [Information of the supplier]
The Index Fungorum, the world database of fungal names coordinated and supported by the Index Fungorum Partnership, contains names of fungi (including yeasts, lichens, chromistan fungi, protozoan fungi and fossil forms) at species level and below. Funding from GBIF (2003-2004) under the ECAT work ... [Information of the supplier]
3. Tree of life
The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL) is a collaborative effort of biologists from around the world. On more than 3000 World Wide Web pages, the project provides information about the diversity of organisms on Earth, their evolutionary history (phylogeny), and characteristics. Each page contains information ... [Information of the supplier]
The World Biodiversity Database (WBD) is a continuously growing taxonomic database and information system that allows you to search and browse a number of online species banks covering a wide variety of organisms. The 20 species banks accessible through the WBD offer taxonomic information, species names, ... [Information of the supplier]
Palaeos bietet vielseitige Informationen zur Evolution des Lebens. Unter dem Begriff „Leben“ sind die Reiche und Gruppen Bakterien, Eukaryoten, Pilze, Pflanzen, Wirbellose und Chordaten dargestellt. Mit Kladogrammen werden die stammesgeschichtlichen Zusammenhänge und weitere systematische Ebenen ... [Redaktion vifabio]
The Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) is an international initiative devoted to developing DNA barcoding as a global standard in taxonomy. CBOL has more than 130 Member Organizations from 40 countries. DNA Barcoding is a technique that uses a short gene sequence from a standardized region of the ... [Information of the supplier]
CATE stands for Creating a Taxonomic e-Science and is a project funded by the United Kingdom's Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) under its e-science initiative. The particular goal of CATE is to test the feasibility of creating a web-based, consensus taxonomy using two model groups, one from ... [Information of the supplier]
The Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) is an online workbench that aids collection, management, analysis, and use of DNA barcodes. It consists of 3 components (MAS, IDS, and ECS) that each address the needs of various groups in the barcoding community. It provides a repository for barcode records, ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
9. PhyloCode
The PhyloCode is a formal set of rules governing phylogenetic nomenclature. It is designed to name the parts of the tree of life by explicit reference to phylogeny. The PhyloCode will go into operation in a few years, but the exact date has not yet been determined. It is designed so that it may be used ... [Information of the supplier]
GTI is the acronym for Global Taxonomic Initiative and part of the CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity); the GTI was created to diminish the taxonomic impediment. The GTI is a cross-cutting theme of the CBD and is a loose collection of National Focal Points (NFP). Each CBD member state is supposed to ... [Information of the supplier]
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