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Internet Guide

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Although several sites of metabolic processes are available to the web browser, they are generally loaded with superfluous information, much of which may not be relevant for malaria parasites. The purpose of this site was to extract the pertinent information from the universal sites and to present them ... [Information of the supplier]
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, gegründet 1981, fördert alle wissenschaftlichen Bestrebungen auf dem Gebiet der Protozoologie bzw. Protistologie und hier insbesondere die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit. 140 Vollmitglieder. 3tägige wissenschaftliche Jahrestagungen in der ersten Märzhälfte ... [Sonstige Quelle laut Angabe]
Paramecium is a unicellular eukaryote of large size (120 micrometers) that belongs to the ciliate phylum. Ciliates share two characteristics: the presence of vibrating cilia which assure their locomotion and food capture, and nuclear dimorphism. Indeed, ciliates, like multicellular eukaryotes, separate ... [Information of the supplier]
The term "amoebae" covers an enormously diverse group of protists that have adopted a crawling like method of locomotion. This web site is an attempt to draw together information on the amoeba from the various sources. The literature, especially the older work, have tended to be published in obscure ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
On this web site we are using the informal term "plasmodiophorids" for the group that was the subject of Karling's 1968 monograph, The Plasmodiophorales, and for a number of years was included in the fungi (Sparrow 1960, Waterhouse 1972). Donald Barr recognized that ultrastructural evidence suggested ... [Information of the supplier]
Foraminifera are marin protozoa (unicellular animals). This web page provide an insight to there diversity. Recent and extinct taxa are introduced to. Pictures are available for each of them. Several search functions are presented (genera, regions, higher taxa). Furthermore, a key and a comprehensive ... [Editorial staff vifabio] is an online database containing information about radiolarians. The idea behind is that anybody can contribute with their expertise, i.e. add species with images, descriptions, references, synonyms, taxonomy and links etc. Under each species there is also a discussion forum ... [Information of the supplier]
The 33rd Meeting of the German Society for Protozoology will be held in Essen, Northrhine-Westphalia (Germany) in February 2014. The aim of the DGP society is to stimulate and promote all scientific activities related to protistology or, the study of unicellular eukaryotes (photo-, mixo- and heterotrophi... [Information of the supplier, modified]
We cordially invite you to attend the Eleventh International Coccidiosis Conference (ICC-XI), 26-30 September, 2014, in Dresden, Germany. There are few eras in parasitology that have experienced such important growth in knowledge than what is currently occurring in the apicomplexan protozoa, especially ... [Information of the supplier]
Welcome to the official website of the 35th annual meeting of the German Society for Protozoology, taking place on February 23rd-26th 2016 in Saignelégier, Jura, Switzerland. The meeting will be hosted by the Laboratory of Soil Biology, University of Neuchâtel. The meeting will cover a broad range of ... [Information of the supplier]
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