Die Webpräsenz der Biologischen Station bietet vielfältige, häufig aktualisierte Informationen zu naturkundlichen Themen (inklusive Flora und Fauna) sowie zum Naturschutz in ihrem Arbeitsgebiet, welches die Städte Duisburg, Mühlheim und Oberhausen einschließt. Die Station organisiert Maßnahmen zu Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege, führt Veranstaltungen und Exkursionen für Interessierte durch und gibt Veröffentlichungen heraus. Aktuelle Fundmeldungen für Pflanzen, Pilze und Tiere können in eine Datenbank eingespeist bzw. abgerufen werden. ... [Redaktion vifabio]
Der Badische Landesverein für Naturkunde und Naturschutz e.V. (BLNN) ist eine Vereinigung naturkundlich interessierter Fachleute und Liebhaber. Sie wird ehrenamtlich geleitet und steht jedem Interessenten offen. Auch wenn wir "Landesverein" heißen (dies hat historische Gründe, der BLNN wurde schon 1881 gegründet), so sind wir dennoch ein rein privater Naturkunde-/und Naturschutzverein (Hauptverbreitungsgebiet: Südbaden). Zu unseren zentralen Aktivitäten gehörte die Organisation von öffentlichen Vorträgen und Exkursionen zu Naturschutz, Landeskunde und Naturkunde und die Herausgabe der Zeitschrift "Mitteilungen des Badischen Landesvereins für Naturkunde und Naturschutz". Wir veröffentlichen wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu Geologie, Geographie, Fauna und Flora Südwestdeutschlands sowie zu Naturschutzangelegenheiten in der Regio. ... [Information des Anbieters]
Particularly pampered by the nature, Madagascar, island of the Indian Ocean, is globally known for its biodiversity’s richness. Malagasy Fauna and Flora have a very high endemic rate: 80% of the animal species and 90% of vegetation are restricted to the island. On a world scale, Madagascar represents exceptional and impressive mega diversity. Indeed, Madagascar, island of the Western Indian Ocean (COI) is a part of the 34 hot spots of the world biodiversity. It is a rather flattering label because it makes the “Big island” one of the most important regions in terms of rare habitats and leading species. The conservation of this natural richness is thus registered in the international diary. This leading position on the international chessboard has made the island an excellent land of scientific research but also a main point of ecotourism. Madagascar National Parks was founded in 1990. This Association of private right has been recognized of public utility through the decree n° 91-592 of December 4, 1991. It assures the conservation and the lasting and rational management of the national network of the national parks and reserves of Madagascar. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
The National Biodiversity Network (NBN) is a new and innovative way of sharing wildlife information in the UK and is building tools to make this information accessible in a digitised and exchangeable form. By providing easy access to the information people need about wildlife, wise and informed decisions can be made to ensure our natural environment is diverse, rich and sustainable now and for future generations. ... [Information of the supplier]
GEODOK is a database which contains more than 102.000 entries concerning geographically related literature since 1950 (incl. biogeography). It provides the bibliographical data for scientific articles (primarily in German, English and French) indexed by keywords. GEODOK is a product of the Department of Geography of Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU). ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
The Global Invasive Species Database was developed by the IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) as part of the global initiative on invasive species led by the Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP). It provides global information on invasive alien species to agencies, resource managers, decision-makers, and interested individuals. The database focuses on invasive species that threaten biodiversity and covers all taxonomic groups from micro-organisms to animals and plants. Species information is supplied by expert contributors from around the world and includes; species' biology, ecology, native and alien range, references, contacts, links and images. The database is currently being populated with species information. Please check on a regular basis for updates. ... [Information of the supplier]
Inside the realisation of scientific project Biological Database and GIS (no. 1-08-330), financed by the Ministry of Science of Republic of Croatia, the Croatian Information Service for Biodiversity is done. In realisation are involved the biologists from the Division of Biology (Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb), from the Croatian Natural History Museum, the colleagues from the University Computing Centre and our worth students of biology. Service for Biodiversity contains the information about biological specificity of Croatia and Croatian flora and fauna. Also the basic information about scientific project (field of biology) in Croatia, scientific institutions and biological journals are available. Service is still under development. The lot of materials are written only in one language (croatian or english), and only few exist in both languages. We will try to resolve this insufficiency as soon as possible. English home page is connected only with relatively small number of documents. For other material we suggest you to visit Croatian version of this Service. ... [Information of the supplier]
"Early Classics in Biogeography, Distribution, and Diversity Studies: To 1950" is a bibliography and full-text archive designed as a service to advanced students and researchers engaged in work in biogeography, biodiversity, history of science, and related studies. All items in the bibliography are primary sources and were published in 1950 or before. The subjects involved touch on fields ranging from ecology, conservation, systematics and physical geography, to evolutionary biology, cultural biogeography, paleobiology, and bioclimatology--but have in common a relevance to the study of geographical distribution and diversity. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Irish Natural History Literature web site provides a way of accessing references to literature covering all aspects of natural history in Ireland. They include papers and articles published in journals, books and magazines, and unpublished reports and theses. Topics relate to the natural environment of Ireland. They include botany (e.g. rare species, plant communities), zoology (e.g. invertebrates, fish, mammals, birds), geology (e.g. hard rock, quaternary, palaeontology) together with obituaries, book reviews, and the business of many of the former and current Field Clubs and Natural History Societies of Ireland. Each reference includes author, date of publication, title, journal and volume (if appropriate), page details and keywords. ... [Information of the supplier]
This valuable collection of letters should be made public as it contains many hundreds of letters dealing with anything extraordinary that occurred from 1735 until Linnaeus’s death. The ultimate objective of the Linnaean correspondence project is to publish the complete text of the letters sent and received by Linnaeus, together with summaries in English. Facsimiles of the original manuscripts and of selected printed editions will be provided. A preliminary version of a catalogue of all known letters to and from Linnaeus is now available. This catalogue will be completed during 2007. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]