Birds in Backyards is a research, education and conservation program focusing on the birds that live where people live. Get involved by becoming a member and taking part in our online surveys. Learn about how you can create bird-friendly spaces in your garden and local community. Find out more about Australian birds and their habitats. ... [Information of the supplier]
The organizing committee of the first Mediterranean Conference of Zoology, to be held in Egypt from 19 th to 26 th of November 2013, is pleased to announce that this scientific event will take place in the floating hotel of one of the luxurious Nile cruises as it travels from the Thebes, Luxor to Aswan. The topics of the conference include: Climate change and Mediterranean Fauna; Biodiversity in Limnic Ecosystems; Fauna of Economical Value: Vulnerability to Stress and Pathology; Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Fauna Europaea project (EVR1-1999-20001) has been funded by the European Commission for a period of four years (1 March 2000 - 1 March 2004) within the Fifth Framework Programme (5FP). Fauna Europaea has assembled a database of the scientific names and distribution of all living multicellular European land and fresh-water animals. Experts in taxonomy have provided data of all species currently known in Europe. Together these data have formed a huge database, which will be accessible to everyone. The University of Amsterdam has coordinated the project, assisted by the University of Copenhagen and the National Museum of Natural History in Paris.The Fauna Europaea database will provide a unique reference for many groups such as scientists, governments, industries, conservation communities and educational programs. ... [Information of the supplier]
"Early Classics in Biogeography, Distribution, and Diversity Studies: To 1950" is a bibliography and full-text archive designed as a service to advanced students and researchers engaged in work in biogeography, biodiversity, history of science, and related studies. All items in the bibliography are primary sources and were published in 1950 or before. The subjects involved touch on fields ranging from ecology, conservation, systematics and physical geography, to evolutionary biology, cultural biogeography, paleobiology, and bioclimatology--but have in common a relevance to the study of geographical distribution and diversity. ... [Information of the supplier]
Hier erhalten sie vielfältige Informationen zu Alaskas Tierwelt (Bären, Wölfe, Wale, Adler, Lachse, Elche) mit detaillierten Beschreibungen, Bildern, Links und Videos. [Information des Anbieters, verändert]
The Centre for Biological Documentation (Zentrum für Biodokumentation) aims at preserving and developing the natural history collections of the Saarland, as well as providing a junction for cooperation and communication in ecological and biogeographical research in this region. [Editorial staff vifabio]
The Boreal Songbird Network is a network of conservation and birding groups including the American Bird Conservancy, National Wildlife Federation, Ducks Unlimited, Natural Resource Defense Council, National Audubon Society, Defenders of Wildlife, and others interested in raising awareness in the U.S. and Canada about the importance of the Boreal Forest to North American migratory birds. This network works to educate and activate about the Boreal. Keeping the Boreal Forest message alive in the U.S. and making our voices heard in Canada will have global environmental implications. ... [Information of the supplier]
Biodiversity Explorer is devoted to showing and explaining the diversity, biology and interactions of life on earth, particularly the life we have here in southern Africa (south of the Kuneni and Zambezi rivers). Our approach is to start with familiar organisms that we see or experience around us but which we know little about, and use them as a springboard to examining more unfamiliar topics. There is a huge body of scientific research that underpins our understanding of life on earth and the goal of Biodiversity Explorer is to draw on this research and present it in an understandable and integrated way. Biodiversity Explorer was first launched on 18 May 2000 (International Museums Day) and has been steadily growing in content and profile since then. We started with insects and spiders and are now expanding to other groups such as plants and vertebrates. ... [Information of the supplier]
Das Integrierte Fuchsprojekt IFP wurde 1995 ins Leben gerufen; ein interdisziplinäres Forschungs- und Kommunikationsprojekt zur Dynamik der Fuchsbestände in der Schweiz. Anlass zum Projekt gaben die stark ansteigenden Fuchspopulationen in der Schweiz und vielen anderen europäischen Ländern. Diese Zunahme war markant in ländlichen Gebieten, besonders ausgeprägt jedoch in Städten wie Zürich, Berlin, Brüssel oder Paris. Im Rahmen des Projektes wurde das Leben der Stadtzürcher Füchse erforscht. Mit Hilfe der Radiotelemetrie wurden die nächtlichen Wege von 22 erwachsenen Füchsen aufgezeichnet und ihre Tagesruheplätze ausfindig gemacht. Diese Beobachtungen gaben Aufschluss darüber, wo Stadtfüchse die Nacht und den Tag verbringen, was sie fressen, wo sie ihre Jungen zur Welt bringen und wie sie sich im Lebensraum Stadt zurechtfinden. ... [Information des Anbieters]
There are approximately 17,000 terrestrial, 500 freshwater, and 5,500 marine species of plants and animals in Hawai‘i. Bishop Museum, which has the world’s largest biological collections for Hawai‘i (about 4 million specimens) is conducting field surveys to document the distribution of these organisms and is organizing information from its collections and the associated scientific literature into comprehensive computerized databases. This information will be used to assist natural resource agencies in the proper management of Hawaii’s precious and rich biota for years to come. ... [Information of the supplier]