GBIF is an open-ended international co-ordinating body set up with the overall aim of furthering technical and scientific efforts to develop and maintain a global information facility for sharing of digital biodiversity data. The purpose of GBIF is to promote, co-ordinate, design and implement the compilation, linking, standardisation, digitisation and global dissemination of the world’s biodiversity data, within an appropriate framework for property rights and due attribution. GBIF will work in close co-operation with established programmes and organisations that compile, maintain and use biological information resources. The Participants, working through GBIF, will establish and support a distributed information system that will enable users to access and utilise considerable quantities of existing and new biodiversity data. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
The 1st Joint Meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) and the Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) also known as the Taxonomic Databases Working Group, will take place from August 25th to September 2nd 2018 in Dunedin, New Zealand. The theme of the conference is: Collections and Data in an Uncertain World. The destructive forces of nature were never more evident than with the 2011 Tōhoku tsunami in Japan or the earthquakes that struck Christchurch in 2010 and 2011. The damage to museums and collections, and data loss were staggering. As reconstruction is now well underway, what have we learned from these catastrophes and how can we mitigate damage to our "libraries of life" in the future? ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Internetauftritt des Pariser "Museum national d'Histoire naturelle", der Informationen für Wissenschaftler, aber auch allgemeine Informationen für Besucher der Museumseinrichtungen beinhaltet. [Redaktion vifabio]
Naturschutz hat Geschichte! Seit fast zweihundert Jahren engagieren sich in Deutschland Personen, Gruppen, Verbände und Institutionen für den Schutz der Natur. Von der Gründung von naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften und Verbänden des Natur- und Heimatschutzes am Ende des 19. Jh. bis hin zu den Diskussionen der Gegenwart um internationale Naturschutznetzwerke und nachhaltiges Nutzen reicht der geschichtliche Bogen des Naturschutzes. Die Stiftung Naturschutzgeschichte will die Geschichte der sozialen Bewegung Naturschutz lebendig und wirksam erhalten. ... [Information des Anbieters]
In display halls covering 8.700 square metres the visitor can travel through our planet’s history, through the breathtaking diversity of nature and back to the origins of our culture. On the upper ground floor (Hochparterre) can be seen fascinating and valuable precious stones and minerals, rare fossils and gigantic dinosaurs, as well as famous prehistoric works of art. One of the most important is the 25.000 year-old figure of “Venus von Willendorf”, the skeleton of a Diplodocus, the longest terrestrial vertebrate that has ever lived, a giant topaz weighing 117 kg and the valuable bouquet of jewels which Maria Theresia had made as a present for her husband. The first floor presents the overwhelming species variety of the animal world, from protozoa to the most highly developed mammals. Objects of more than 200 years old are of great interest, not only on their own account but also as witnesses of nature and historical records for the history of science and the art of taxidermy. Numerous stuffed animals of species either extinct or extremely endangered make the collections truly irreplaceable. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Senckenberg Museum is one of the largest Natural History Museums in Germany and exhibits the recent biodiversity of life and evolution of organisms as well as the change of planet earth over millions of years. New scientific findings in all areas of biology, paleontology and geology are on display. The Senckenberg Nature Research Society (SNG) is responsible for the Research Institute and the Natural History Museum. ... [Information of the supplier]
Our vision is to "increase all people´s understanding of nature and its diversity". Nature is amazing and rich, but also under threat. We want everyone, young and old, expert and novice, to learn more about nature, view it from a holistic perspective and respect man´s place in it. [Information of the supplier]
The Biological Collection Access Service for Europe, BioCASE, is a transnational network of biological collections of all kinds. BioCASE builds on the predecessor projects CDEFD, BioCISE, and ENHSIN. BioCASE enables widespread unified access to distributed and heterogeneous European collection and observational databases using open-source, system-independent software and open data standards and protocols. ... [Information of the supplier]