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The Savanna Elephant Vocalization Project (SEVP) is gathering, analyzing and systematizing the acoustic repertoire of free-ranging savanna elephants and developing a scientifically based multi-media collection. In developing the collection we strive to establish a new scientific basis of understanding ... [Information of the supplier]
The International Rhino Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the worldwide conservation of the five living species of rhinoceros: Black, White, Indian, Javan and Sumatran. [Information of the supplier]
This annotated list of references on the biology, ecology and management of the African elephant was developed to facilitate the work of researchers, field staff and resource managers. [Information of the supplier]
Über das Wildtier des Jahres 2007, den Elch (Alces alces), stellt diese Seite Fakten zur Biologie und Verbreitung aber auch zur Jagd und zu Kuriosem zusammen. [Redaktion vifabio]
The goal of the Ultimate Ungulate Page is to provide reliable information, pictures, and links for all of the world's ungulates to the global online community. These pages have been created for educational use, and may be printed by anyone and everyone [Information of the supplier]
Ziel der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung ist es, einheimische Wildtiere in ihren natürlichen Lebensräumen zu fördern und erlebbar zu machen. Ihre Aufgaben sind nachhaltiger Schutz einheimischer Wildtiere und Erhalt ihrer Lebensräume, inmitten einer dicht besiedelten und vom Menschen genutzten Kulturlandschaf... [Information des Anbieters]
The main objective of the Rhino Resource Center is to collect and disseminate all material which bears on our knowledge of the five extant species of rhinoceros in all situations. The Rhino Resource Center will be a major tool for research as well as conservation. The information available worldwide ... [Information of the supplier]
The IUCN/SSC-affiliated Tapir Specialist Group is a global group of biologists, zoo professionals, researchers and advocates dedicated to conserving tapirs and their habitat through strategic action-planning in countries where tapirs live, information sharing, and through educational outreach that ... [Information of the supplier]
The IEF, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation of individuals and institutions, was formed in 1998 to promote conservation of African Elephants and Asian Elephants . The mission of the IEF is to support and operate elephant conservation and education programs both in managed facilities and in the wild, with ... [Information of the supplier]
Much of the information about tapirs can be found on these picture pages. Pictures of all kinds are useful for illustrating information and ideas. The text is related to the images. The albums currently have more pictures than the web site. This site is possibly the most complete collection of tapir ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
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» Subject (BioDDC)
- Ungulates (599.6) (11)
- Behavior (591.5) (1)
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- Africa (1)
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- free (11)
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