The purpose is the creation of a comprehensive computer supported decision/help system for pharmacotherapy and clinical toxicology. At present, CliniPharm/CliniTox has the following components: 1) an animal medicine compendium for Switzerland; 2) specialist information about therapeutic substances; 3) CliniTox, a computer supported decision/help system for the management of cases of poisoning in animals (incl. a poisonous plant database that contains, besides relevant veterinary medical data, botanical information as well as pictures of the individual plants. Because of the multilingual nature of Switzerland the plants can be searched for not only by their scientific names, but also by their common German, French, Italian, and English names.) ... [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]
Das GIFTPFLANZEN.COMpendium will Ihnen einige Giftpflanzen vorstellen, wobei ein bewußt ausschweifendes, mit zahlreichen Exkursen versehenes Konzept gewählt wurde. Sie sollen ebenso Informationen über die Definition von Gift, über andere Gefahrstoffe als Gifte, über die chemische Zeichensprache und über Maßnahmen bei Vergiftungen erhalten. Die systematische Einteilung der Pflanzen, die Unterteilung der Pflanzengifte, Möglichkeiten des Bezugs von Pflanzen, Besichtigungsmöglichkeiten in Botanischen Gärten und ein kommentiertes Literaturverzeichnis mit Bestellmöglichkeit beim Buchhändler sollen weiterhelfen, Ihr Wissen (nicht nur) über Giftpflanzen zu komplettieren. Welche Informationen Sie dem GIFTPFLANZEN.COMpendium letztendlich entnehmen, bleibt natürlich Ihnen überlassen. Sie werden auch genügend Informationen über den Eisenhut erhalten, ohne sich mit der Pflanzensystematik oder der chemischen Zeichensprache beschäftigen zu müssen. Andererseits soll Ihnen jedoch die Möglichkeit gegeben werden, zumindest einen Einstieg in komplexere Sachverhalte zu gewinnen. ... [Information des Anbieters]
The Former Soviet Union has a rich agricultural heritage. In 2003 our project set out to develop a Russian-English Agricultural Atlas that covers the area of the Former Soviet Union. Scheduled to be completed in 2009, the Atlas will illustrate the historic distribution of economic plants and their pests in this important region of the world. The Atlas is being compiled by a team of Russian scientists who are reviewing historic and current literature, herbarium specimens, and seed and insect collections. The Atlas will be released on a CD-ROM and will be interactive; consisting of maps, biological descriptions, illustrations and reference lists that can be queried and combined with our built-in user-friendly GIS interface. ... [Information of the supplier]
These data on weeds of rain fed lowland rice fields of Laos and Cambodia were collected in DELTA format and are a result of the research performed by M.L. Naples, an MSc student of the National Herbarium of the Netherlands in Leiden. The aim of her research, which is part of the project “Open Source for Weed Assessment in Lowland Paddy Fields” (OSWALD), was to address the issue of slow increasing rice productivity in Laos and Cambodia caused by weeds by creating a tool for decision-making in weed identification and control. This tool is targeted toward agricultural extension workers and rice farmers at the village level (Grard, 2004), as well as others involved in rice and weed management research, and will be made available in a practical format. The final product of this research is an interactive weed identification key, which includes information on the biology, ecology, morphology, management, economic and ethnobotanical uses and vernacular names of about 80 weed genera and species that can be used in the field to facilitate identification, control and understanding of common weed genera and species of rain fed lowland rice fields of Laos and Cambodia. ... [Information of the supplier]
Welcome to University of Wisconsin's Weeds Information website. Weeds are defined as undesirable plants or plants that oppose the management objectives of the land. This project conducts research and education activities designed to provide useful information to the public that is specific to weedy plants of the midwest, specifically Wisconsin. Perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium L.) is an invasive creeping herbaceous perennial weed first found in Wisconsin in 2007. This plant is a member of the mustard family and is capable of invading pastures, alfalfa fields, roadsides and many other upland sites, as well as riparian areas, drainage ditches, floodplains, and wetlands. Plants emerge early in the spring, forming a rosette that persists for several weeks. By late spring, plants bolt and produce a flowering shoot. After seed production, flowering shoots die back, although in moist soils new rosettes can emerge in the fall. Select the type of weed you are trying to identify. You may change your choice of weed type, or restart the ID process at any time. BROADLEAF: These herbaceous (non-woody) plants typically produce noticeable flowers. Leaves are often broad with netted veins, but they may also be narrow and veinless. GRASSLIKE: These herbaceous (non-woody) plants lack noticeable flowers. The leaves are ribbon-like with parallel veins, and are often tightly rolled. WOODY: Trees, shrubs, and sub-shrubs with obvious woody stems that persist year after year. ... [Information of the supplier]
The XIV International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds will take place from 2nd to 7th March 2014 in Kruger National Park, South Africa, at the Nombolo Mdhuli Conference Centre, Skukuza. South Africa has a long history of biological control of weeds, and celebrates its centenary during 2013 after beginning in 1913 with the highly-successful introduction of a cochineal insect against a prickly pear cactus, Opuntia monacantha. Over the ensuing 100 years some 73 plant species have been targets for biological control. Agents have become established on 48 of the targeted species and South Africa remains committed to expanding this area of research. To celebrate this historical occasion, we look forward to hosting a gathering which will bring together world leaders in the field, to share experiences and exchange knowledge in a congenial corner of our country. The symposium will provide an opportunity for delegates to present novel research on all aspects of biological weed control and to discuss the way forward for the discipline. Kruger National Park was established in 1898 and is the flagship of the South African National Parks. It covers an area of nearly 2 million hectares and is home to a wide range of species including 507 birds, 336 trees, 147 mammals and 114 reptiles. Skukuza is the largest camp in Kruger, situated in the southern part of the park on the banks of the Sabie River. For more information visit: ... [Information of the supplier]
The international symposium « Agricultural Weeds and Plant Invaders » was initiated in 2006 and takes place once every three years in a European country (Portugal in 2006, Croatia in 2008, and Switzerland in 2011). This event brings together over 100 scientists and managers who share a strong interest in the Biology, Ecology and methods of controlling invasive plants in cultivated and natural habitats as well as urban areas. Objectives of the 4th symposium are: Strengthening interactions between all fields for the management of invasive plants (e.g., ragweed) by facilitating exchanges between the researchers in basic and applied research, and managers and action agencies in the field; Broadening the scope of this conference to include the entire Mediterranean basin where the agronomical and environmental concerns are similar those of the southern Europe; and, Bridging the fields of invasion biology science and social and human sciences. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Stakeholders dealing with plant invasions need more targeted information and actions require more coordination. To deliver this, UfU founded the Coordination Centre for Invasive Plants in protected areas of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany (KORINA) in 2010. The Coordination Centre is part of the project "Early warning system and planning of measures against invasive plant species in protected areas of Saxony-Anhalt" funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Grundlage der Site "Botanik online - die Internetlehre" ist das Lehrbuch "Botanik" von Peter von Sengbusch. Die Online-Variante wurde um zahlreiche Abbildungen und Grafiken erweitert. [Redaktion vifabio]
This web site, presented by the Missouri Botanical Garden Library and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, features 131 volumes from our Rare Book collection. Our goal is to digitize and preserve beautifully illustrated and botanically significant books in our private holdings in order to make them available to an international audience. ... [Information of the supplier]