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Die niederländische dendrologische Vereinigung (Nederlandse Dendrologische Vereniging) bringt Menschen miteinander in Kontakt, die sich in ihrer Freizeit oder beruflich mit Bäumen beschäftigen. Von jedem anderen ist einiges über die Vielzahl von Bäumen zu lernen: wie man sie erkennt, wie man sie nutzt, ... [Information des Anbieters, übersetzt]
Welcome to the digital flora of Panama. You may access the species list of common trees, shrubs and palms by species name, family, or by their common names in Panama. For each species, we have included a botanical description, photos, scans, drawings, and a distribution map which shows its presence or ... [Information of the supplier]
Maps of the ranges of tree species in North America compiled by Elbert Little, of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and others (see references below) were digitized for use in USGS' vegetation-climate modeling studies. These digital map files are available here for download. The maps ... [Information of the supplier]
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