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The aims of the Ancient Yew Group are described as follows: To raise public awareness of the national and world wide importance of our ancient Yews; to survey, record and monitor the health of our ancient Yews; to highlight potential threats; to research and collate all modern and historical references ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Auf dieser Webseite des Naturschutzbund Deutschlands wird die Natur des Jahres in Übersichten und Einzelporträts übersichtlich zusammen- und vorgestellt. Die verzeichneten Tiere und Pflanzen können jahresweise ab 2002 oder nach Kategorie sortiert angesehen werden. [Redaktion vifabio]
This Summit is being organized to provide a forum for the Research Scientists, traditional health practitioners, academicians, medical and pharmaceutical representatives, conservation biologists, biochemists, NGOs, policy makers, Farmers, Government agencies etc. to discuss, share the advanced informatio... [Information of the supplier]
The 6th Global Summit on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants is organized from May 24-26, 2016 at Radisson Blu Hotel, Riga, Latvia to provide a forum for the Research Scientists, traditional health practitioners, academicians, representatives from the medical and pharmaceutical industries, conservation ... [Information of the supplier]
The Ginkgo pages are about the tree Ginkgo biloba and all its aspects. I created this site because of my fascination and respect for this unique tree, a living fossil, unchanged since the time of the dinosaurs. It is the sole living link between the lower and higher plants, a symbol of longevity and is ... [Information of the supplier]
Conceived as a collaborative research project to provide access to habitat descriptions, photographs, observations, nomenclature, distribution maps, and other data on California's wild plants, Calflora is now the online gateway to information about California’s wild plants. The database provides: ... [Information of the supplier]
The Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden has completed cataloging its gymnosperms from North America north of Mexico. These records represent those specimens collected in Greenland, Canada, and the United States (excluding Hawaii), and include non-native species cultivated in North America. Records ... [Information of the supplier]
Currently the Database provides basic information (sometimes only a name) for all species and higher-ranked taxa of the gymnosperms, i.e., conifers, cycads, and their allies. You enter the taxonomic tree at the Family level and then navigate to the Genus, Species or sometimes Variety levels. At each ... [Information of the supplier]
The Lovett Pinetum Charitable Foundation was established in 1996 to gain practical knowledge of the best methods for growing many species of pine trees under definded soil and climate conditions. Recently, the Foundation's mission has been expanded to include all conifer species at the Angelina and Alder ... [Information of the supplier]
Die Seite des Ginkgo Museums Weimar dreht sich rund um das lebende Fossil Ginkgo biloba, den Ginkgo-Baum. Man erfährt nützliches über seine Kultivierung und Zucht, über die möglichen (Heil-) Wirkungen und Anwendungen der Pflanze und kann selbst Ginkgo- Samen zur Zucht erwerben, die dazu gehörigen ... [Redaktion vifabio]
» Subject (BioDDC)
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- Factual databases (10)
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- North America (4)
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- free (52)
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