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The Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR), a not-for-profit organization established to advance research, conservation, and education concerning amphibians and reptiles, was founded in 1958. It is the largest international herpetological society, and is recognized worldwide for having ... [Information of the supplier]
2. Turtle Trax
Turtle Trax was conceived with these purposes in mind: to provide a Web site that gave people a chance to become familiar with the wonder and beauty of the marine turtle; to make people aware of the reasons why all species of marine turtles are either threatened or endangered; to highlight a particularly ... [Information of the supplier]
This database is intended to provide information on the classification of all living reptiles by listing all species and their pertinent higher taxa. The database therefore covers all living snakes, lizards, amphisbaenians and crocodiles. It is supposed to be a source of taxonomic data, thus providing ... [Information of the supplier]
"Schriftenschau für den Feldherpetologen" is a bibliography for the biology, ecology, and faunistics of the free-living amphibians and reptiles (from 1990) in German speaking countries. The literature database is the internet transcription of the "Schriftenschau für den Feldherpetologen" of the Natural ... [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]
The foundation of this site is a database of the location of every species of freshwater and land turtle that has been collected by a museum, private individual, or referenced in a publication. Our site is a continuation of the work done by John B. Iverson in his 1992 book A Revised Checklist with ... [Information of the supplier]
The Natural Research Center (NTRC) is a university-operated facility with elaborate research laboratories and a computer-controlled serpentarium for housing and breeding snakes. The mission of the NTRC is to provide global research, training and resources that will lead to the discovery of medically ... [Information of the supplier]
Die Amphibien und Reptilien in Österreich werden in dieser Webpräsenz mit Abbildungen vorgestellt. Neben einer systematischen Beschreibung der einzelnen Arten sind Erläuterungen zu Lebensräumen und Lebensweisen, zur Biologie und zur Ökologie sowie eine umfangreiche Linkliste zu finden. Außerdem wird ein ... [Redaktion vifabio]
This web site treats the reptiles and amphibians of France. The site started in late 2004 and was very different, only dealing with reptiles of the Corbières which is my local region in southern France, it grew to Reptiles of France and then onto Reptiles & Amphibians of France, it has had four major ... [Information of the supplier]
It is the mission of the Caribbean Conservation Corporation to ensure the survival of sea turtles within the Wider Caribbean basin and Atlantic through research, education, training, advocacy and the protection of the natural habitats upon which they depend. [Information of the supplier]
The Leatherback Trust is a non-profit foundation established by James R. Spotila, Ph.D. to save the leatherback turtle and other sea turtles from extinction. The Leatherback Trust scientists were instrumental in founding a new national park, Parque Marino Las Baulas, on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. ... [Information of the supplier]
» Subject (BioDDC)
- Reptilia (597.9) (35)
- Amphibia (597.8) (18)
» Resource type
» Spatial coverage
- North America (3)
- Southeast Asia (2)
» Language
» Format
» Access
- free (35)
» Audience
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