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We are pleased to announce the 26th annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society to be held in Natal, Brazil, July 30th - August 2nd, 2014. The venue for this conference will be the Praiamar Natal Hotel & Convention, Ponta Negra Beach. The 2014 Conference, will be held under the motto ... [Information of the supplier]
We are happy to announce that the 31st annual HBES meeting will be held in Boston May 29 -June 1st, 2019. The conference will be located at the George Sherman Union at Boston University. [Information of the supplier]
The host and program committees of #HBES2021 are excited to engage our members in an action-packed, fully customized, online conference experience. HBES 2021 will take place June 24 – July 2. To avoid computer burnout, the conference days will be shorter than usual (~4 hours), but spread out over more ... [Information of the supplier]
The host and program committees of #HBES2022 are excited to engage our members in an online conference. HBES 2022 will take place June 22 – June 25. [Information of the supplier]
HBES 2022 will take place June 22 – June 25. HBES Virtually Everywhere will be hosted on the ohyay platform and is a fully-customized online conference where you can grab a coffee with colleagues before heading to a talk, sing karaoke with your friends, or discuss future collaborations at the hotel bar. [Information of the supplier, modified]
As the hosts, we would like to invite everyone to the 34th annual HBES conference in sunny southern California. The conference will begin on Wednesday May 31st and run through Saturday June 3rd. [Information of the supplier]
Die International Rhino Foundation ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die sich den weltweiten Schutz der fünf lebenden Arten des Nashorns zur Aufgabe gemacht hat. [Information des Anbieters, übersetzt]
Diese kommentierte Liste von Quellen zur Biologie, Ökologie und zum Management des Afrikanischen Elefanten wurde entwickelt, um die Arbeit von Forschern, Gebietsbetreuern und Ressourcenverwaltern zu erleichtern. [Information des Anbieters, übersetzt]
Über das Wildtier des Jahres 2007, den Elch (Alces alces), stellt diese Seite Fakten zur Biologie und Verbreitung aber auch zur Jagd und zu Kuriosem zusammen. [Redaktion vifabio]
Die "Ultimate Ungulate Page" hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, der globalen Online-Gemeinschaft verlässliche Informationen, Bilder und Links zu allen Huftieren der Welt zu liefern. Diese Seiten wurden zu Ausbildungszwecken erstellt, daher dürfen sie von jedermann ausgedruckt werden. [Information des Anbieters, übersetzt]
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