ASAB was founded in 1936 to promote the study of animal behaviour. There are now approximately 2000 members. Many members are professional biologists who work in universities, research institutes or schools. ASAB: a) Owns Animal Behaviour, the leading international scientific journal in its field; b) Promotes the study of animal behaviour by holding conferences; c) Actively supports research into animal behaviour by offering members research and travel grants, sponsoring workshops and offering vacation scholarships for undergraduates; d) Provides members with regular electronic updates about Society activities; e) Cares about animals - it has an Ethical Committee to promote the ethical treatment and conservation of the animals we study; f) Encourages the teaching of animal behaviour in schools - it has an Education Committee, publishes a regular Newsletter for teachers, organizes workshops and produces educational videos, books and practicals; g) Has close links with the American Animal Behavior Society and h) also convenes a joint coordinating committee of European animal behaviour societies. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Galapagos Conservation Trust (GCT) is a UK registered charity (registered number 1043470) set up to raise funds for, and awareness of, the conservation needs of the Galapagos Islands. [Information of the supplier]
Die Gesellschaft zur Rettung des Störs Acipenser sturio L. e.V. wurde am 01.07.1994 im Senckenberginstitut in Frankfurt am Main gegründet. Sie ist ein Zusammenschluss von Wissenschaftlern, Institutionen/Verbänden und Vertretern der interessierten Öffentlichkeit. Ihr Ziel ist der Wiederaufbau und die nachfolgende Erhaltung der Störbestände in Deutschland und Europa. Sie dient der Koordination und Durchführung von Projekten zum Aufbau von Laichfischbeständen, zur Haltung und Reproduktion von Stören, zur Untersuchung von Habitatverfügbarkeit, zum Verhalten der Störe in ihrer natürlichen Umwelt und zum Einfluss der Fischerei auf die Besatzmaßnahmen. Dies geschieht in Deutschland in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei Berlin, dem Institut für Fischerei der Landesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Fischerei Mecklenburg - Vorpommern und Fisch und Umwelt Mecklenburg - Vorpommern e.V. Grundlage für diese Arbeiten ist die langfristige Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Projektfinanzierung und Begleitung der Vorhaben durch das Bundesamt für Naturschutz sowie die Förderung durch das Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie und das Ministerium für Verbraucherschutz, Landwirtschaft und Naturschutz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. ... [Information des Anbieters]
BirdLife is the largest organization for ornithology and the protection of birds in Austria and the only one active throughout the entire country. BirdLife Austria protects birds in Austria: through scientific work, which represents the basis for successful protection of nature; with the help of concrete conservation programmes for threatened species and their habitats; and by providing information to the public on current topics relating to the protection of birds. Furthermore: we are involved in protecting the areas in Austria that are most important to birds; and by means of advice and lobbying we help ensure observance of the legal instruments to protect birds. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Mellumrat is a nature conservation and research association which was founded in 1925 to protect the island Mellum and their breeding birds. The main task of the association is to look after six nature reserves in Lower Saxony. This contains monitoring of breeding and migratory birds, maintenance activities and public relation. The Mellumrat publishes the journal Natur- und Umweltschutz. ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
The Xerces Society is a nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat. Established in 1971, the Society is at the forefront of invertebrate protection worldwide. The programs of Xerces are focused on the protection of pollinator, endangered species, aquatic invertebrates and butterflies. The society publishes the Journal Wings: Essays on Invertebrate Conservation. Additionally on this web site a lot of online resources are downloadable e.g. identification guides and red lists of North American bees, aquatic invertebrates and butterflies. Some groups of invertebrates were presented by short communications. ... [Information of the supplier, modified] liefert Links zu Aufnahmen verschiedener Vogelstimmen aus einer Liste von 10.000 Vögeln. Außerdem bietet diese Website ein Forum mit der Möglichkeit Fragen zu stellen. [Information des Anbieters, verändert]
Feeding movements in many reptiles and amphibians are typically extremely brief, too short in duration to be seen by the unaided eye. The movies on this site were made using high-speed video cameras running at speeds of up to 10,000 images per second. For comparison, normal video records at only 50 or 60 pictures per second. ... [Information of the supplier]
The purpose of this society is to promote and encourage the biological study of animal behavior in the broadest sense, including studies at all levels of organization using both descriptive and experimental methods under natural and controlled conditions. Both research studies and the dissemination of knowledge about animal behavior through publications, educational programs, and activities shall be encouraged ... [Information of the supplier]
Database of Migratory Species at Global scale (4344 species, 5500 literature references, Internet-Links, data on distribution and migration behaviour, 1174 GIS-maps, Threat Analysis) - Migratory species are an important dynamic component of biodiversity. The conservation and protection of these species requires international cooperation. However, the level of knowledge we have is not sufficient and information is immensely scattered. Today we can only estimate the number of migratory species within a vast range of 5000 and 10000. GROMS consolidates and summarises all available information and the current states of knowledge into a relational database. It supports a Geographic Information system (GIS) interface and permits various search options for novice users and for experts. The GROMS database is structured to provide an additional tool for fact finding and decision-making by the CMS bodies and related regional Agreements as well as the Convention on Biological Diversity. To this effect, the database is designed to supply information on migratory species, their distribution map, population and bibliography. The current multilingual database contains 4,344 migratory vertebrates species, with their threat and protection status (International Red List), protection status (after CMS and CITES) as well as migration types and more than 5,500 literature citations. ... [Information of the supplier]