FAO's Major Programme on Fisheries aims to promote sustainable development of responsible fisheries and contribute to food security. To implement this Major Programme, the Fisheries Department focuses its activities, through programmes in Fishery Resources, Fishery Policy, Fishery Industries, and Fishery Information. [Information of the supplier]
The Australian Society For Fish Biology was founded in 1971 to promote fish studies and provide a forum for the exchange of information between fish biologists. The Society has over 600 members in 2003, drawn from across Australia and overseas, representing the government, research, educational and private sectors. [Information of the supplier]
The Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute (TAFI) was established as a centre of excellence in applied marine research. TAFI supports the development and sustainable management of Tasmania’s living marine resources. TAFI was established in 1998 as a joint venture between the Tasmanian Government and the University of Tasmania. The expertise and facilities of the Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment (DPIWE) and the University of Tasmania are largely complementary. ... [Information of the supplier]
Die Fischerei-Informationssseite des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz (BMELV) bietet Verbraucherinformationen zum Thema "Fischereipolitik und Meeresschutz". Folgende Themen werden behandelt: Fischerei in Deutschland und Europa, Fischereiforschung auf See, europäische und internationale Fischereipolitik. Der Webauftritt bietet außerdem Informationen zu staatlichen und internationalen Aktivitäten zum Meeresumweltschutz, insbesondere Walschutz. ... [Redaktion vifabio]
The Institute of Sea Fisheries provides the scientific basis and evaluates the economic conditions to guide the sustainable use of natural marine resources. This institute prepares decision support for the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) with respect to the Common Fisheries Policy of the EU (CFP) and international marine conventions (i.a. NEAFC, NAFO, CCAMLR, OSPAR, IWC, ASCOBANS) of which Germany is a member. Through its scientific monitoring programs and research activities, the institute contributes to a general increase in knowledge about marine systems for the benefit of the international community.Based on its research, the institute enunciates advice to the Federal Ministry (Departments 621 and 622) and the European Commission (STECF, other EU advisory boards). The institute's scientific outcome also forms an important part of the German contribution to the annual advice for fisheries and marine ecosystems provided in collaboration with other European fisheries research institutions (ERA-NET) under the auspices of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). The institute takes part in international research projects funded by EU and other agencies in order to evaluate and resolve specific questions regarding the management of marine living resources and to further improve the scientific basis of its advice. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Institute conducts research to establish the scientific basis for advising in fishery political decisions of the Baltic Sea. In addition data are collected on research surveys to contribute to the international stock assessments. [Information of the supplier]
The German Oceanographic Museum in Stralsund is the largest museum of natural science in North Germany. It is located in an early Gothic monastery, an architectural gem. The wide-ranging, up-to-date exhibitions held here provide an accessible, vivid picture of the diversity of marine life as well as its use to and exploration by man. An additional core theme is the presentation of the history of fishery in the former East Germany (GDR). ... [Information of the supplier]
Das Portal "Fischerei in Deutschland" ist ein Webangebot des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz unter Mitarbeit der Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung. Es bietet Informationen zu Fischereipolitik, Fischereiforschung und Fischwirtschaft, die in drei Hauptbereiche gegliedert werden: Bund, Bundesländer und Europa. Das Angebot wird ergänzt durch eine umfangreiche Link-Sammlung weiterer Ansprechpartner in Fischereifragen. Hier finden sich alle wesentlichen fischereirelevanten Institutionen, wie Behörden, Verbände und Forschungseinrichtungen. Schließlich werden noch eine Sammlung von Rechtsvorschriften sowie ein Veranstaltungskalender angeboten. ... [Redaktion vifabio]
The European Atlas of the Seas has been designed for anyone interested in the maritime world and our common maritime heritage. It has been developed to raise awareness of Europe's oceans and seas in the context of the EU's integrated maritime policy. The atlas offers a remarkably diverse range of information about Europe's seas, including: sea depth and underwater features, tide amplitude and costal erosion, maritime policies and initiatives, fishing quotas by species and zone, the European fishing fleet, coastal activites, maritime transport and port statistics, outermost regions. ... [Information of the supplier]
The fresh and brackish water fish fauna of Africa is highly diversified and comprises over 3000 species belonging to about 90 families. These fishes inhabit a wide variety of habitats ranging from small temporary streams to large and permanently flowing rivers, from shallow marshlands to large deep lakes, in dry and wet climatic zones. In many African countries, fishes are a major source of protein and income generation. While in many regions capture fisheries are fully exploited, the development of aquaculture in Africa continues to lag behind its predicted potential. Despite its economic and social importance, the African fish fauna is exposed to many threats, most of which are of anthropogenic origin. The major causes of the loss of fish diversity are the fragmentation or destruction of habitats resulting from stream regulation, the introduction of alien species, the overexploitation of fish resources, and pollution. Much research has been, or is being, conducted on the fish and fisheries of the African continent. In order to access and share this growing body of scientific knowledge it was recognized that an international gathering bringing together scientists from all over the world was required. The first of such meetings took place in 1993 in Dakar, Senegal; the second in Grahamstown, South Africa in 1998; the third in Cotonou, Benin in 2003, the fourth in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2008. The fifth is due to take place on 16-20 September 2013 in Bujumbura, Burundi. This meeting will provide an opportunity for scientists from throughout Africa and around the world to come together, to get to know one another, exchange information and ideas, and to initiate collaborative studies. Several renowned scientists, young researchers and other stakeholders are expected to attend this important meeting. Representatives of the International Organizing Committee (see members above) met on 4-5 June 2012 in Bujumbura and set up the themes and the necessary dates and requirements for the organization of the meeting. The International Organizing Committee now seeks contributions to the Conference. Please enclose the title of your paper/poster and suggestions for workshop with your registration form. Abstracts should be sent before 30 April 2013. All abstracts will be refereed before final acceptance. The abstracts need to be in line with the following main themes of the conference. ... [Information of the supplier]