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CnidBase, the Cnidarian Evolutionary Genomics Database, is a tool for investigating the evolutionary, developmental and ecological factors that affect gene expression and gene function in cnidarians. In turn, CnidBase will help to illuminate the role of specific genes in shaping cnidarian biodiversity in ... [Information of the supplier]
The Coral Reef Targeted Research & Capacity Building for Management Program (CRTR) is a leading international coral reef research initiative that provides a coordinated approach to credible, factual and scientifically-proven knowledge for improved coral reef management. The goal of the CRTR Program is to ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
3. Cnidaria
The Cnidaria, especially the Anthrozoa, are among the most important reef builders. There life cycle (metagenesis) and morphology (two tissue layers) differs significantly for other animals. This web page provides an insight into the biology and ecology of the cnidaria, and their subtaxa. [Editorial staff vifabio]
Dear Colleague, It is our pleasure to announce that the 8th International Conference on Coelenterate Biology (ICCB) will be held in Eilat, Israel, from December 1st-6th, 2013. The conference will encompass aspects of the biology of all cnidarian groups and ctenophores, including those occurring in ... [Information of the supplier]
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