CnidBase, the Cnidarian Evolutionary Genomics Database, is a tool for investigating the evolutionary, developmental and ecological factors that affect gene expression and gene function in cnidarians. In turn, CnidBase will help to illuminate the role of specific genes in shaping cnidarian biodiversity in the present day and in the distant past. CnidBase highlights evolutionary changes between species within the phylum Cnidaria and structures genomic and expression data to facilitate comparisons to non-cnidarian metazoans. CnidBase aims to further the progress that has already been made in the realm of cnidarian evolutionary genomics by creating a central community resource which will help drive future research and facilitate more accurate classification and comparison of new experimental data with existing data. ... [Information of the supplier]
Das Coral Reef Targeted Research & Capacity Buildung for Management Programm (CRTR) ist eine internationale Forschungsinitiative, die sich mit Korallenriffen beschäftigt und für den verbesserten Umgang mit Korallenriffen wissenschaftlich fundiertes und vertrauenswürdiges Fachwissen bereitstellt. Die wesentlich Ziele des Programms liegen darin, bestehende Wissenslücken in diesem Bereich zu schließen und den für Korallenriffe Verantwortlichen entsprechende neue Erkenntnisse und Technologien zukommen zu lassen, so dass deren Entscheidungen sich später positiv auf die Entwicklung der Korallenriffe auswirken. ... [Information des Anbieters, übersetzt]
Die Cnidaria, oder Nesseltiere, zählen mit den Anthozoa zu den wichtigsten Riffbildnern. In ihrem Lebenszyklus (Metagenese) und Morphologie (zwei Epithelschichten), unterscheiden sie sich deutlich von anderen Tieren. Diese Seite bieten einen Einblick in die Biologie und Ökologie der Cnidaria sowie ihrer Untergruppen. [Redaktion vifabio]
Dear Colleague, It is our pleasure to announce that the 8th International Conference on Coelenterate Biology (ICCB) will be held in Eilat, Israel, from December 1st-6th, 2013. The conference will encompass aspects of the biology of all cnidarian groups and ctenophores, including those occurring in pelagic and benthic environments, shallow to deep sea, and freshwater habitats in all regions. Sessions will be devoted to topics ranging from cellular biology, genomics and development, to life histories and reproduction, physiology, pathology, symbiosis and diseases, evolution, biogeography and taxonomy, ecology, and behavior, as well as environmental impacts including global change, toxicity and medical applications. Current and possible future developments in the field will be explored. Our goal is to advance the knowledge on cnidarians, exchange novel findings among peers and students and establish new collaborations. We are confident that this conference will prove highly attractive, and that Eilat, the meeting's locality, with its splendid reefs and renowned sunny weather, will provide a perfect ambience. We look forward to welcoming you in Eilat, Israel, in December 2013. ... [Information of the supplier]