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Internet Guide

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This site provides information on aquatic alien plants in Northrhine-Westphalia (including images). Only available in German language. [Editorial staff vifabio]
The National Invasive Species Information Center (NISIC) was established in 2005 at the National Agricultural Library to meet the information needs of users including the National Invasive Species Council (Council). This Web site serves as a reference gateway to information, organizations, and services ... [Information of the supplier]
DAISIE will deliver an Alien Species Gateway to act as a “one-stop-shop” for information on biological invasions in Europe. DAISIE addresses the need for a regional network of invasive alien species information. With direct access to national knowledge bases throughout Europe, those addressing the ... [Information of the supplier]
Die Pflanzengattung Ambrosia umfasst einige dutzend Arten, von denen eine Art, die Ambrosia artemisiifolia, als besonders allergieauslösend gilt. Wegen menschlicher Unachtsamkeit sowie durch den Klimawandel begünstigt, kann sie sich invasionsartig ausbreiten und stellt somit eine erhebliche Gefahr für ... [Information des Anbieters]
This database of alien plants in Ireland contains detailed information on 716 alien plant taxa currently occurring in (semi-) natural habitats in Ireland (both the Republic and Northern Ireland). In a separate list, limited information is also given for 198 taxa with no post-1970 records. You can search ... [Information of the supplier]
Many invasive species, like Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata), are threatening the world's natural resources, but the abundance of invasive species can vary dramatically over space and time. Scientists still do not have a good understanding of why this is so. Through large-scale sampling, scientists ... [Information of the supplier]
This website deals with all alien vascular plants ever recorded in Belgium (with emphasis on those recorded since 1950). It is important to stress that species included range from ephemeral aliens that were only recorded once to widely naturalised and noxious environmental or agricultural weeds (see ... [Information of the supplier]
This web site provides results of a research project about prediction of range expansions of non-indigenous plants. For some 100 neophyte species, detailed information inluding distribution maps and predicted world-wide distributions are given. [Editorial staff vifabio]
The Invasive Plant Atlas of New England’s (IPANE) mission is to create a comprehensive web-accessible database of invasive and potentially invasive plants in New England that will be continually updated by a network of professionals and trained volunteers. The database will facilitate education and ... [Information of the supplier]
This web site provides information about the silvicultural problem of the Black Cherry tree in the Berlin forests and its control, especially biological control with the endemic Silverleaf fungus (Chondrostereum purpureum). Since its introduction in the first half of the last century, the Black Cherry ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
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