The President's Council on Bioethics is charged with advising the President of the United States on bioethical issues that may emerge as a consequence of advances in biomedical science and technology, such as embryo and stem cell research, assisted reproduction, cloning, enhancement of human capacities through genetics and the neurosciences, and end-of-life issues. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
In 1986 faculty members of Ruhr-University founded the Zentrum für Medizinische Ethik. The Center is a non-profit tax-exempt institution and serves as a research, teaching and consulting center in issues of applied ethics, especially in clinical ethics and bioethics. The Center specializes in developing practical instruments for moral assessment of cases and scenarios in biomedical research and patient care. ... [Information of the supplier]
Naturschutz hat Geschichte! Seit fast zweihundert Jahren engagieren sich in Deutschland Personen, Gruppen, Verbände und Institutionen für den Schutz der Natur. Von der Gründung von naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften und Verbänden des Natur- und Heimatschutzes am Ende des 19. Jh. bis hin zu den Diskussionen der Gegenwart um internationale Naturschutznetzwerke und nachhaltiges Nutzen reicht der geschichtliche Bogen des Naturschutzes. Die Stiftung Naturschutzgeschichte will die Geschichte der sozialen Bewegung Naturschutz lebendig und wirksam erhalten. ... [Information des Anbieters]
Das 1990 gegründete Interfakultäre Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften (IZEW) ist ein interdisziplinäres Forschungszentrum der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. Am IZEW wird das Programm einer "Ethik in den Wissenschaften" verfolgt, das die Frage der Verantwortung bereits in den Wissenschaften selbst thematisiert. Das IZEW will den Dialog zwischen Natur-, Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften mit Blick auf ethische Fragen fördern. Die wissenschaftsethische Forschung am IZEW umfasst beispielsweise die Gentechnik an Pflanzen, Tieren und Menschen, die Umweltethik, die Transplantationsmedizin sowie Grundlagenfragen der Ethik in den Wissenschaften. Weitere Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind der Transfer zwischen ethischer Forschung und dem Bildungsbereich sowie die Dokumentation wissenschaftsethischer Literatur. ... [Information des Anbieters]
The aim of the BUKO Campaign against Biopiracy is to make the political, social and economical components of biodiversity public. It criticises the way in that biological diversity is only discussed as a topic in conservation. This disguises the fact that it is being appropriated by multinational concerns, in conjunction with government research institutes. This is biopiracy. This rejection is accompanied by a radical critique of north-south relations as well as global capitalism, its forms of domination and power structures. The campaign aims to build resistance against biopiracy as well as discuss and support social alternatives. ... [Information of the supplier, translated]
Recognizing science as a path toward understanding nature, distinct from corporate and other applications, The Scientific Activist opens up a new dialogue on the proper role of science in an ever changing society. The truth isn't always black or white, but an informed public is an empowered one, so I won't shy away from the complex issues. Most importantly, though, The Scientific Activist takes on the people and obstacles standing in the way of the progress and proper application of science. Enemies of science, beware! ... [Information of the supplier]
Das Kompetenzzentrum Klimafolgen und Anpassung (KomPass) im Umweltbundesamt ist Wegweiser und Ansprechpartner für Anpassungsaktivitäten in Deutschland. Als Schnittstelle zwischen Klimafolgenforschung, Gesellschaft und Politik macht es verwundbare Bereiche und Regionen ausfindig, bewertet Klimafolgen und zeigt die Chancen der Anpassungsmaßnahmen sowie ihre Hürden. KomPass arbeitet mit der Wissenschaft, mit Ministerien und Behörden sowie Verbänden und Unternehmen zusammen und unterstützt die Umsetzung der Deutschen Anpassungsstrategie an den Klimawandel. ... [Information des Anbieters]
Realising the potential of the life sciences – how can society get involved? The 21st century has been widely proclaimed as the “century of the life sciences”. Their impact is expected to profoundly alter the way we live. Not only will the life sciences reshuffle the demographic and individual outlook of Western societies as they help us live longer and better, they also address the other big challenges of mankind – understanding the complexities and preserving the variety of life on our planet, climate change, famine, as well as ecological and safe energy resources. The first European Conference of Life Science Funders and Foundations will explore opportunities to positively influence and accelerate the necessary discoveries and their transformation into applications that benefit us all. ... [Information of the supplier]
BATS Centre is a leading competence center studying the effects of biotechnology. The main application of biotechnology is in farming (green biotechnology) and medicine (red biotechnology). Looking forward, the BATS Centre analyses possible effects on economy, ecology and society.We are heading towards the following goals: that research objectives are adjusted to take account of sustainability, that society is informed of the social effects and can then decide which limits to place. ... [Information of the supplier]
Taxacom is "the" mailing list for biological systematics. Brought to life by Dr. Richard Zander, Taxacom began its peripatetic existence on the dark and snowy night of January 12, 1987 as a dial-up BBS at the Buffalo Museum of Science (Buffalo, New York). Subscription to Taxacom is free. To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the Taxacom Archives. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]