Forest geneticists are frequently confronted with practical questions concerning the origin, the genetic variability, or the adaptability of trees, stands, or forest reproductive material. The posers of these questions can be biologists, ecologists, foresters, private forest owners, firms dealing with forest reproductive material, nature conservation organizations, and, of course, the forest geneticists themselves for their basic research. Awareness is growing within these groups that many of these questions can be answered with the help of genetic marker technology. However, the increasing number and variety of genetic markers available for forest tree species make it difficult for the so-called "end-users" of this technology to judge which type of marker is most suitable for the given purpose. The aim of this compendium is to provide end-users with guidelines for choosing markers that are suitable for the purpose at hand. ... [Information of the supplier]
Dieses Internetportal soll eine unabhängige, werbefreie Informationsplattform werden, in der die verschiedensten Forschungseinrichtungen, Institutionen, Forstverwaltungen, aber auch Projektträger, Vereine und Verbände ihre Arbeiten und Ergebnisse rund um den Themenkomplex Wald, Klima, Forstwirtschaft und Holznutzung präsentieren können. Ziel soll es sein, die Informationen zu bündeln und in thematisch gegliederter Form aufzubereiten und im Internet einem breiten Kreis zur Verfügung zu stellen. Auf diese Weise soll die Bedeutung der Wälder der Erde und die nachhaltige Nutzung des nachwachsenden Rohstoffes Holz für das Klima möglichst umfassend dargestellt werden. ... [Information des Anbieters]
The release of Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants Edition 6 (RFK6) represents another significant milestone in the development of this information system for identifying and learning about plants in Australian tropical rainforests. Each edition of the system since 1971 has made significant advances in the coverage of plant groups, the numbers of species included, the effectiveness of the identification system, and in the utilisation of current technology. The aim of this new edition is to make identifications possible and easier, and make taxonomic information accessible to the wider scientific community and the population as a whole. Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants Edition 6 includes 2553 species in 175 families, and has attempted to include all flowering plant species present in rainforest of northern Australia in the following life forms: trees, shrubs, vines, forbs, grasses and sedges, epiphytes, palms and pandans. Some species are not yet included, primarily due to lack of specimens for coding features. Several new features have been added in response to user feedback and to facilitate the identification of the additional life forms. ... [Information of the supplier]
The database provides detailed information on 670 agroforestry tree species in order to help field workers and researchers in selecting appropriate species for agroforestry systems and technologies. For each species, the database includes information on identity, ecology and distribution, propagation and management, functional uses, pests and diseases and a bibliography. ... [Information of the supplier]
This is a presentation of photographs with accompanying descriptions of some of the most extensive and important range cover types in North America. In addition to examples of major range plant communities (and dominant, associate, and indicator plant species) there is a review of the various units of vegetation with a historical survey of their origin and use in Range Management and Forestry. ... [Information of the supplier]
Virginia Tech's Tree Fact Sheets provide concise information on approximately 800 tree species of North America. Fact sheets (with morphological descriptions and photographs) are printable on one sheet of paper. [Editorial staff vifabio]
This website provides information on the German "Tree of the Year", including biology, distribution, ecology, and uses. The elected species of past years are presented, as well. [Editorial staff vifabio]
The InsideWood project integrates wood anatomical information from the literature and original observations into an internet-accessible database useful for research and teaching. The InsideWood database contains brief descriptions of woody dicots (hardwoods) from more than 200 plant families, and is searchable by an interactive, multiple-entry key. The InsideWood collection has 5,686 descriptions and 28,576 images. ... [Information of the supplier]
This site offers a simple method of identifying woody plants from their leaves. It is intended for laypeople and those learning biology in primary and secondary schools. The collection is being constantly expanded. All pictures are from the author. Unless otherwise stated, the size on a 17" monitor is roughly the size in reality. ... [Information of the supplier, translated]
The University of Connecticut has developed this site dedicated to the ornamental attributes, appropriate use and identification of landscape plants. This site is geared toward the teaching of landscape plants and contains valuable information for students, homeowners and plant professionals. At the core of this site are plant information pages that contain text, photographs, illustrations and latin name pronounciations. The plants listed in this resource are meant to create an awareness of the great variety of ornamental plants that will grow in USDA hardiness zone 6 or colder, and to encourage people to think about planting a greater variety of ornamentals. The interactive Plant Selector is available to allow users to search the University of Connecticut Plant Database to find trees, shrubs and vines which meet specific landscape situations and express particular ornamental traits. ... [Information of the supplier]