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Parasitic plants are found in 19 families containing 277 genera and 4178 species. [Information of the supplier]
2. Deemy
Deemy is an information system for determination and characterisation of ectomycorrhizae. The goal is to offer a online database system for multiple usage and therewith dissemination of expert knowledge especially by providing public access to database generated identification keys, natural language ... [Information of the supplier]
Mycorrhiza Literature Exchange (MLE, formerly MIE) is continuing to post monthly literature updates, and as the author I becomes aware of them, mycorrhizal books, reviews, theses and dissertations. He will also continue a mycorrhizal water relations bibliography. [Information of the supplier, modified]
A gall is an abnormal growth produced by the host organism in response to the presence of another living organism . If the host is a plant, we call it a plant gall. The galls can be caused by animals (zoocecidia) and also by plants (phytocecidia) or fungi. The most familiar galls are caused by midges, ... [Information of the supplier]
Der aufmerksame Naturfreund findet an Pflanzen immer wieder auffällige Wachstumserscheinungen. Häufig handelt es sich hierbei um Gallen (Cecidien), d.h. um typische Wachstumsleistungen der Pflanze auf Grund der Einwirkung eines Gallenerzeugers tierischer oder pflanzlicher Natur. Für Deutschland fehlt ... [Information des Anbieters]
This site is devoted to different issues related to the molecular systematics, taxonomy, genomics, ecology and evolution of symbiotic legume nodule bacteria, which are collectively known as "RHIZOBIA". It's mission is to provide a useful resource to the community of rhizobiologists/agrobacteriologists. ... [Information of the supplier]
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