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Ever wonder how people figured out there used to be such things as dinosaurs? Curious about how scientists learned to reconstruct fossil skeletons? The knowledge we take for granted today was slow in coming, and along the way, scientists and scholars had some weird ideas. This Web site shows some of ... [Information of the supplier]
"Where do we come from?", "Who are we?", "Where are we going to?" The exhibition of the Neanderthal Museum is based on those central topics. One can find them in any part of the house. The permanent exhibition traces humankind's long journey from the origins in the African savannahs to the urban centres ... [Information of the supplier]
The BFV Online provides interactive access to the SVP's Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates series. Using the BFV Online , users can specify a search criterion, and receive a formatted list of matching literature references. Queries are formed like taxon = 'Tyrannosaurus'. Detailed instructions are ... [Information of the supplier]
The Paleobiology Database ... has been organized and operated by a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional, international group of paleobiological researchers. Its purpose is to provide global, collection-based occurrence and taxonomic data for marine and terrestrial animals and plants of any geological ... [Information of the supplier]
This site is a resource for anyone interested in paleontology, from the professional in the lab to the interested amateur scouting for fossils to the student in any classroom. We have gathered many different resources into this single entry "portal" to paleontological information on the Internet. [Information of the supplier]
Digital Morphology, part of the National Science Foundation Digital Libraries Initiative, develops and serves unique 2D and 3D visualizations of the internal and external structure of living and extinct vertebrates, and a growing number of 'invertebrates'. The Digital Morphology library contains nearly a ... [Information of the supplier]
Palaeos bietet vielseitige Informationen zur Evolution des Lebens. Unter dem Begriff „Leben“ sind die Reiche und Gruppen Bakterien, Eukaryoten, Pilze, Pflanzen, Wirbellose und Chordaten dargestellt. Mit Kladogrammen werden die stammesgeschichtlichen Zusammenhänge und weitere systematische Ebenen ... [Redaktion vifabio]
Welcome to the Jurassic Reef Park - A virtual trip to the reefs of the Jurassic Period. This web article is 'archaic', regarding the History of the WWW. It has been launched in 1995, the english version in early 1996. The JRP has been very successful till today. This is why we keep both contents and ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Trilobites are the most diverse group of extinct animals preserved in the fossil record. Nine orders of trilobites are recognized, into which 15,000+ species are placed. Learn more about trilobite morphology, anatomy, ecology, behavior, reproduction, and development, and how they relate to trilobite ... [Information of the supplier]
Die Paläontologische Gesellschaft ist eine internationale Vereinigung für den deutschsprachigen Raum. Sie wurde 1912 in Greifswald gegründet. Ziele der Gesellschaft sind die Förderung der Paläontologie und der Kontakt unter den Paläontologen, Geowissenschaftlern und interessierten Laien aller Länder. ... [Information des Anbieters]
» Subject (BioDDC)
- Chordates (596) (2)
- Algae (579.8) (1)
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- United States (3)
- Canada (1)
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- free (28)
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