The competence network 'Plants as Concept Generators for Biomimetical Materials and Technologies' („Pflanzen als Ideengeber für Entwicklung biomimetischer Materialien und Technologien") at the University of Freiburg offers an interface between academic research and industrial applications. It was founded in November, 2002, in cooperation with the University of Tübingen and the ITV Denkendorf. It is supported and funded by the Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg ('Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg'). ... [Information of the supplier]
Die 1990 von Prof. Dr. Nachtigall gegründete Gesellschaft setzt sich dafür ein, Inhalte und Arbeitsweisen der Bionik einer breiten Öffentlichkeit nahe zu bringen. Sie veranstaltet im Jahresrhythmus abwechselnd Bionik-Kongresse und Workshops und informiert regelmäßig über Neuigkeiten auf den Gebieten der Bionik und der Technischen Biologie. Ein besonderes Anliegen des Vereins ist die Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses auf dem Gebiet der Bionik. ... [Information des Anbieters]
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik e.V. verfolgt ausschließlich und unmittelbar den Zweck, Wissenschaft und Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Biophysik zu fördern und zu verbreiten, deren Belange wahrzunehmen und die Wissenschaftler und andere Personen, die auf biophysikalischem Forschungsgebiet tätig sind, zusammenzuschließen. Sitz des Vereins ist Frankfurt am Main. Mitglied kann jeder werden, der sich durch wissenschaftliche Arbeit auf dem Gebiet der Biophysik ausgewiesen oder die Biophysik maßgebend und entscheidend gefördert hat. Zur Zeit gliedert sich die Gesellschaft in drei Sektionen: 1. Molekular-Biophysik, 2. Membranen, Zellen und Netzwerke, 3. Strahlen und Umweltbiophysik. Die Gesellschaft hält jedes Jahr eine Jahrestagung ab. Darüber hinaus werden von den 3 Sektionen Symposien veranstaltet, oft in Kooperation mit anderen europäischen Biophysik-Gesellschaften. ... [Information des Anbieters]
The aim of this project is to develop a better understanding of the structure and homeostatic function of termite mounds, with a view to identifying any lessons which can be learned, and ultimately applied, in human construction and habitation. This, in turn, will lead to a clearer definition of future research directions aimed at delivering some form of homeostasis for human constructions (for example, buildings which are self-regulating and requiring few or no mechanical services systems, and hence much-reduced energy usage). ... [Information of the supplier]
The purpose of the IUPB is the stimulation of scientific research in the following fields: 1. Physics, chemistry and climatology of non-ionizing radiations (ultra-violet, visible and infrared) in relation to their biological effects. 2. The effects of the application of these radiations in biology and medicine. In fulfillment of this purpose IUPB initiates arrangements for international congresses of photobiology and for other meetings as appropriate. The IUPB comprises national and international photobiology groups and individual members. ... [Information of the supplier]
eQuilibrator is a simple web interface designed to enable easy thermodynamic analysis of biochemical systems. eQuilibrator enables free-text search for biochemical compounds and reactions and provides thermodynamic estimates for both in a variety of conditions. Estimation of thermodynamic parameters (ΔrG and ΔfG) elucidates how much energy is required to drive a particular biochemical reaction and in which direction the reaction will flow in particular cellular conditions. Because experimental measurement of the free energy of formation (ΔfG°) of compounds is technically challenging, the vast majority of known metabolites have not been thermodynamically characterized. eQuilibrator uses a well-studied approximation of ΔfG called group contribution, enabling thermodynamic analysis of many biochemical reactions and pathways. Currently, eQuilibrator can provide estimates for many compounds in the KEGG database(about 4500). Individual compounds and enzymes can be searched for by their common names ("water", "glucosamine", "hexokinase"), and reactions can be entered in a simple, free-text format ("ribulose bisphosphate + CO2 + water => 2 3-phosphoglycerate") that eQuilibrator parses automatically. eQuilibrator also allows manipulation of the conditions of a reaction - pH, ionic strength, and reactant and product concentrations - to help explore the thermodynamic landscape of a biochemical reaction. eQuilibrator is a project of the Milo Lab at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel. ... [Information of the supplier]
On behalf of the Australian Society for Biophysics (ASB) and the International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) I would like to cordially invite you to attend the 18th IUPAB Congress in Brisbane, Australia in August 2014. This website contains information relevant to the Congress, plus links to the conference city and Australia generally. Biophysics in Australia and New Zealand is a particularly strong discipline, with world-leading research programs and outstanding facilities. ... [Information of the supplier]
It is our privilege and great pleasure to announce the 10th European Biophysics Congress to be held on July 18 - 22, 2015 in Dresden, Germany. Outstanding speakers from Europe and overseas as well as state-of-the-art satellite symposia, oral and poster presentations will ensure for the 10th EBSA Anniversary Meeting a scientific programme of highest quality. The congress will be complemented by an exciting social programme, giving participants and accompanying persons the chance to immerse themselves in the fascinating cultural life of Dresden. Our ambition is to realize a successful and memorable congress for all participants, delegates, sponsors and exhibitors. ... [Information of the supplier]
The International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) is a member of the ICSU (International Council for Science) family. Affiliated to it are the national adhering bodies of more than 50 countries. Its function is to support research and teaching in biophysics. Its principal regular activity is the triennial International Congresses and General Assemblies. ... [Information of the supplier]
The 60th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society will be held in Los Angeles, California, February 27 - March 2, 2016. As science becomes increasingly interdisciplinary, the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting continues its long-held reputation for bringing together leading scientists from the all over the world who work at the interface of the life, physical, and computational sciences. The dynamic five-day Meeting provides attendees with opportunities to share their latest unpublished findings and learn the newest emerging techniques and applications. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]