Der Duft einer Blume - die Erinnerung an einen Spaziergang im Park - der Schmerz beim Tritt auf einen Nagel. Diese Erfahrungen werden durch drei Pfund Gewebe in unseren Köpfen ermöglicht…dem Gehirn. Neuroscience for Kids wurde für alle Schüler und Lehrer entwickelt, die etwas über das Nervensystem lernen wollen. ... [Information des Anbieters, übersetzt]
2014 ICN / JSCPB is a joint meeting of the 11th International Congress of Neuroethology (ICN) and the 36th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry (JSCPB). The conference will be held at the Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan, July 28th through August 1st, and is co-organized by the International Society for Neuroethology (ISN), the Japanese Association of Neuroethologists (JAN) and the Science Council of Japan (SCJ). The conference attracts scientists and students engaging in neuroethology – the study of neural mechanisms of animal behavior – working in a broad range of disciplines, including neurophysiology/neuroanatomy, molecular biology/genetics, cognitive psychology, computational neuroscience, and robotics. Neuronal mechanisms of any species – invertebrate or vertebrate, including humans – will be subjects of discussion. ... [Information of the supplier]
An annual international event gathering scientists and psychiatrists from around the world to share an interest in stress-evoked brain disorders in both humans and animals. [Information of the supplier]
The 12th International Congress of Neuroethology will be held in charming Montevideo, Uruguay, 30 March through 3 April 2016. The Program Committee is now soliciting proposals for symposia. Symposia will include 4 speakers and be two hours in length, including 5 minutes for introductory remarks, 20 minutes per talk and 5 minutes for questions following each talk. Please note that although symposium speakers need not be members of ISN, symposium organizers must be members. We anticipate having up to 12 symposia. ... [Information of the supplier]
An annual international event gathering scientists and psychiatrists from around the world to share an interest in stress-evoked brain disorders in both humans and animals. [Information of the supplier]
An annual international event gathering scientists and psychiatrists from around the world to share an interest in stress-evoked brain disorders in both humans and animals. [Information of the supplier]
The biggest annual International Stress and Behavior society event gathering scientists and psychiatrists from around the world to share an interest in stress-evoked brain disorders in both humans and animals. It is ogranized with help of Centre for Physiology and Biochemical Research (CPBR), International Stress and Behavior Society (ISBS), ZENEREI Institute (USA), Institute for Experimental Medicine (IEM), Institute of Translational Biomedicine, SPbSU, The Russian Society for Bio-psychiatry (RSBP) and Ukrainian Society for Biological Psychiatry (USBP). ... [Information of the supplier]
As President of the International Society of Neuroethology (ISN), and on behalf of the Executive Committee and Council of the ISN, I enthusiastically welcome you to the 15th International Congress of Neuroethology. For this year’s biennial Congress, we are extremely fortunate to be meeting in Berlin, Germany, a city that the famous rock musician, David Bowie, claimed was “the greatest cultural extravaganza that one could imagine”. Our scientific and social programs are certain to be as equally rich and impressive, especially due to the hard work of our Congress Program Committee (chaired by Elke Buschbeck and Coen Elemans) and our Berlin Local Organizing Committee (under the leadership of Mathias Wernet, Rüdiger Krahe and Constance Scharff). Our Congress will provide a venue where the very best science in our field will be showcased by our diverse community. It is also a place where old friends meet, and new friendships and collaborations are ignited. So please join us for what promises to be the highlight of your academic year! ... [Information des Anbieters]
Die Website stellt zu sieben biowissenschaftlichen Problemen: Umwelt, Biodiversität, Genomforschung, Biotechnologie, Evolution, neue Grenzen der Forschung, biowissenschaftliche Lehre Artikel von Wissenschaftlern, Wissenschaftspädagogen und -studenten zur Verfügung. Außerdem bietet die Site Vorlagen für Lektionen und Ressourcen für Lehrer, um den biowissenschaftlichen Unterricht zu verbessern. ... [Information des Anbieters, übersetzt]
Zoom Dinosaurs ist ein ausführliches Online Hypertext-Buch über Dinosaurier. Es wurde für Studenten jeden Alters und unterschiedlicher Auffassungsgabe entwickelt. Es hat eine einfach zu nutzende Struktur, die es Lesern erlaubt auf einer einfachen Stufe eines Themas zu beginnen und dann wenn gewünscht zu komplexeren Informationen vorzustoßen, einfach durch Anklicken der Links. ... [Information des Anbieters, übersetzt]