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This collection of sections through zebrafish embryos at four different stages of development is thought to provide some help to understand how the zebrafish embryo looks inside. Thin section in Araldite were stained with methylene blue. Images were taken and digitized. You will find an overview image ... [Information of the supplier]
Virtually unique in the animal kingdom, with a saga steeped in science and popular imagination, the fabulous Coelacanth ("see-la-kanth"), that 400 million year old "living fossil" fish, paddles on. Pre-dating the dinosaurs by millions of years and once thought to have gone extinct with them, 65 million ... [Information of the supplier]
This January 2004 Catalog is more recent than the hardbound printed edition (April, 1998)—a 3-volume set of 2,905 pp. and a CD-ROM (see ordering information). Many errors have been corrected and new additions made in the on-line version. Treated in the "Catalog of Fishes" are about 56,000 described ... [Information of the supplier]
FishBase, a global information system with all you ever wanted to know about fishes. FishBase is a relational database with information to cater to different professionals such as research scientists, fisheries managers, zoologists and many more. FishBase on the web contains practically all fish species ... [Information of the supplier]
Zu den häufigsten Plattfischarten in der Nordsee gehören Kliesche, Flunder, Scholle, Seezunge und der schmackhafte Steinbutt. Hier lernen Sie die wichtigsten Merkmale kennen, die Ihnen helfen, diese Fischarten voneinander zu unterscheiden. Außerdem, Fisch ist ein gesundes und bekömmliches Lebensmittel, ... [Information des Anbieters, verändert]
The Australian Society For Fish Biology was founded in 1971 to promote fish studies and provide a forum for the exchange of information between fish biologists. The Society has over 600 members in 2003, drawn from across Australia and overseas, representing the government, research, educational and private sectors. [Information of the supplier]
You can use the general search at the top of every page to find a particular fish by its scientific, common or family name or use the fish finders on the Find a fish page to locate your species of interest. [Information of the supplier, modified]
Die Gesellschaft zur Rettung des Störs Acipenser sturio L. e.V. wurde am 01.07.1994 im Senckenberginstitut in Frankfurt am Main gegründet. Sie ist ein Zusammenschluss von Wissenschaftlern, Institutionen/Verbänden und Vertretern der interessierten Öffentlichkeit. Ihr Ziel ist der Wiederaufbau und die ... [Information des Anbieters]
The goal of this project is the re-introduction of allis shad in the River Rhine System. This large member of the herring family migrated in huge numbers hundreds of kilometers upstream and was once an important species for the commercial inland fishery. Allis shad grow up to 70 cm in total length and ... [Information of the supplier]
The Fish Barcode of Life effort is creating a valuable public resource in the form of an electronic database containing DNA barcodes, images, and geospatial coordinates of examined specimens. The database contains linkages to voucher specimens, information on species distributions, nomenclature, ... [Information of the supplier]
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