BioMed Central is a publisher of more than 150 peer-reviewed open access journals. The research articles in all journals published by BioMed Central are 'Open Access'. They are immediately and permanently available online without charge. A number of journals require an institutional or a personal subscription to view other content, such as reviews or paper reports. Free trial subscriptions to these journals are available. ... [Information of the supplier]
Die Seite enthält Informationen über etwa 900 hochqualitative wissenschaftliche Datenbanken aus Medizin und Molekularbiologie. Die Informationen sind in Haupt- und Unterkategorien abgelegt. Die Anwahl einer Hauptkategorie führt zu weiteren Unterkategorien. Ferner kann im Suchfenster links oben nach Datenbanken dieser Site gesucht werden. Die wichtigsten Datenbanken sind als Hotlinks in der ersten Zeile direkt anwählbar. ... [Information des Anbieters, verändert]
Research Blogging helps you locate and share academic blog posts about peer-reviewed research. Bloggers use our icon to identify their thoughtful posts about serious research, and those posts are collected here for easy reference. [Information of the supplier]
Within the framework of the project, scientific journals are retrodigitized and made available via internet. The E-Archiving project (2005-2008) dealt with questions about long-term availability of scholarly contents in digital form. One subproject was the digitization of printed journals and the establishment of a platform for the management and presentation of the contents. Within the framework of the project, which is supported by Swiss Electronic Library from 2008 to 2011, the retrodigitization of scientific journals can be continued. It is an initiative within the innovation and cooperation project E-bib: Swiss Electronic Library which is supported by the Swiss university conference and the ETH Board from 1.8.2008 until 30.6.2011. ... [Information of the supplier]
Here, you can search the latest Table of Contents (TOCs) of 12,749 journals collected from 422 publishers, among them 1,700+ biological journals. More journals are added continuously. You can start by searching for TOCs by journal title or by keywords (searching 344,918 TOC articles). You also can browse TOCs by publisher or by subject. Then, if you click on a journal title, the latest Table of Contents will be displayed. Developers can use our API (application programming interface) to embed our search functionality within their web applications to make the most of the journal TOC RSS feeds metadata. Please visit this web-page for further information and guidelines to use the API. Additionally, you can select journal TOCs and save them in your MyTOCs folder (with a "tick" ). From there you can read your favourite TOCs at your convenience, or export them as an OPML file into your favourite feed reader. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
PeerJ is an Open Access publisher of scholarly articles. We aim to drive the costs of publishing down, while improving the overall publishing experience, and providing authors with a publication venue suitable for the 21st Century. Our tag line is: "Your Peers, Your Science. Academic Publishing Is Evolving" and we are committed to improving the process of scholarly publishing. We have two publications serving the Biological and Medical sciences: "PeerJ" (a peer-reviewed academic journal) and "PeerJ PrePrints" (an innovative ‘preprint server’). Authors pay for a lifetime membership, which gives them the ability to publish their articles with us for free. ... [Information of the supplier]
AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) serves as the catalog and index to the collections of the National Agricultural Library, as well as a primary public source for world-wide access to agricultural information. The database covers materials in all formats and periods, including printed works from as far back as the 15th century. The records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences. Although the NAL Catalog (AGRICOLA) does not contain the text of the materials it cites, thousands of its records are linked to full-text documents online, with new links added daily. ... [Information of the supplier]
AlgaeBase is a database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms. At present, the data for the marine algae, particularly seaweeds, are the most complete. (...) AlgaeBase Literature Search offers a bibliographic database with 35,000+ titles. [Information of the supplier, modified]
ALTBIB: Bibliography on Alternatives to the Use of Live Vertebrates in Biomedical Research and Testing - The intent of the bibliography is to assist in identifying methods and procedures helpful in supporting the development, testing, application, and validation of alternatives to the use of vertebrates in biomedical research and toxicology testing. This bibliography is produced from MEDLARS database searches, performed and analyzed by subject experts from the Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program (TEHIP) of the Specialized Information Services Division (SIS) of the National Library of Medicine (NLM). ... [Information of the supplier]
Our objective is to provide free access for all scientists to the old zoological literature, particularly to those important publications where name-bearing zoological taxa were originally described. The literature is digitized in image format by the SUB Göttingen (our university library). In a first 2-year period (2003-2005) financed by the DFG we have digitized nearly all taxonomically relevant zoological literature from the beginnings until 1770 (about 400 works). Only some 5 % of the literature is not present in Göttingen and we are currently trying to obtain some works from other libraries. In a second 2-year-period we will try to cover the period from 1770 to 1800. Monographic works and journal articles shall both be digitized. The AnimalBase database is primarily established to link the old literature with the names of the animals described therein. We have continuously gone through the old works, from 1757 onwards, and entered all correctly described new animal names (genera and species taxa) by hand according to a standard established by our working group. (...) AnimalBase is a service provided by the University of Göttingen, Germany. Our work is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG. This page is under construction and we apologize for things not yet working perfectly. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]