The Index to American Botanical Literature provides bibliographic data both on books and articles in periodicals. "The searchable database includes all those entries published in the Index since 1996, and thus includes botanical literature appearing since late 1995. We have made minimal progress in retrospective cataloging, and will continue to add older literature as time and manpower are available. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
The literature database of the vegetation ecology of central Europe of the Braunschweig University Library is a current database in which scientific publications about the flora and vegetation of Central Europe are indexed. Until now, the focus has been on Germany; indexing of the relevant publications for Austria, Switzerland, Northern Italy, and Slovenia is planned. The adjacent areas are also taken into consideration in the selection. Currently ca. 11000 publications have been indexed whereby the data are continually updated and expanded. A special feature of the database is that scientists who are active in this area can themselves enter records of their publications into the database via the World Wide Web. Their entries are stored directly in the database and are then immediately searchable worldwide. ... [Information of the supplier, translated]
The Global Pollen Database currently includes data from Africa, the Americas, and northern Asia. This database continues to grow as new data are organized and made available by various regional data cooperatives such as the Indo-Pacific Pollen Database, the Latin American Pollen Database, and the North American Pollen Database. The voluntary coordinator of the Global Pollen Database is Dr. Eric Grimm. (...) Depending on the Result Type selected, the search results will be summary pollen diagrams or data (see file formats) that can then be selected for transfer to your computer. ... [Information of the supplier]
The worldwide largest database and most comprehensive resource on pollen and palynology provides an Illustrated handbook of pollen terminology and 7957 pictures of 1011 recent species, belonging to 603 genera, and 124 pictures of 32 fossil forms, belonging to 20 fossil genera. The database includes a detailed description of the pollen grain (shape in dry and hydrated condition, apertural details, wall-stratification and ornamentation, pollen coatings and cellular condition), images of each pollen grain (LM, SEM and TEM) and basic literature on each genus. Search forms allow to query the database in any combination of pollen grain characters, including images and literature. Moreover, a number of print-outs are available, e.g., standardized pollen grain description of each taxon, literature and/or images to each genus, a key to a selected family, herbarium labels. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
This site is a resource for anyone interested in paleontology, from the professional in the lab to the interested amateur scouting for fossils to the student in any classroom. We have gathered many different resources into this single entry "portal" to paleontological information on the Internet. [Information of the supplier]
In Dr Kroll's database you will find literature on archaeological remains of cultivated plants published 1981-2004. You can search for species, country, area, site, space of time, period, culture, authors, year of appearance and keywords from the title. Furthermore, you will find a slide show with drawings of botanical macroremains, mostly seeds. ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
The International Federation of Palynological Societies (IFPS) is a federation of regional, national, linguistic, and specialist palynological organizations of the world. Its goals are to advance knowledge in palynology and related subjects by promotion of international cooperation and sponsorship of regular meetings between palynologists of all countries and regions. IFPS publishes the "World Directory of Palynologists" irregularly, and PALYNOS Newsletters semiannually. ... [Information of the supplier]
Cycads are an ancient group of seed plants with a crown of large compound leaves and a stout trunk. They are a minor component of the flora in tropical and subtropical regions today, but during the Jurassic Period, they were a common sight in many parts of the world. For this reason, the Jurassic is often referred to as the "Age of Cycads". Today only a handful of cycads still exist, and many are facing possible extinction in the wild (such as Microcycas in western Cuba). However, because of their large attractive leaves, many cycads have found a home in public and private gardens around the world. Though cycads are often known by this name, they are not closely related to the palms. ... [Information of the supplier]
AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) serves as the catalog and index to the collections of the National Agricultural Library, as well as a primary public source for world-wide access to agricultural information. The database covers materials in all formats and periods, including printed works from as far back as the 15th century. The records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences. Although the NAL Catalog (AGRICOLA) does not contain the text of the materials it cites, thousands of its records are linked to full-text documents online, with new links added daily. ... [Information of the supplier]