Biological Abstracts is, worldwide, the largest and most comprehensive database for the biosciences. More than 6000 scientific periodicals are covered. The content emphasises: Botany, Zoology, Microbiology/Parasitology, Medicine (animal and human, cancer research), Genetics and Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Environmental research, Agriculture and Forestry as well as Dietetics. For most of the recorded material abstracts are available. (The data of Biological Abstracts are also contained in the database BIOSIS Previews). ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
Good journal coverage is just part of the picture. Some of the most exciting and cutting-edge information is released at meetings, months before any journal publications. Biological Abstracts/RRM (Reports, Reviews, Meetings) makes certain you don't miss this information, and gives you the edge of having the latest data. Each year, BA/RRM adds 215,000 references to non-journal documents. ... [Information of the supplier]
BIOSIS Previews abstracts and indexes information from more than 5,500 sources all around the world, including: journal articles (citations taken from more than 5,000 international serials), meeting and conference reports (Search over 165,000 documents from more than 1,500 meetings), books (includes detailed information on contents), and patents (searchable by date granted, US patent number, and other details). ... [Information of the supplier]
In this web presence Thomson Scientific presents basic information regarding the bibliographic database ISI Web of Knowledge. For Web of Knowledge and Current Contents, respectively, the tables of contents of the current issues of journals from all areas, including abstracts, are evaluated; amongst others, the following sections are available: Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences (ABES); Life Sciences (LS); Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (PCES). [Redaction vifabio]; ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
In this database are documented more than 2.8 million articles (as of: June 2009) from more than 1500 biological journals from the period beginning in 1993. The data of the Swets Information Services agency, that are licensed for use in the Virtual Library of Biology as well, are based on the tables of contents of the journal volumes and represent the biological section from altogether 20 000 current journals from all scientific areas. The majority of the articles are linked with the Regensburg electronic library and the delivery service subito (subject to charges) to enable rapid access to full texts. By using myCCBio, users will regularly receive tables of contents for newly published journal issues as e-mails, for free. ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
BioMed Central is a publisher of more than 150 peer-reviewed open access journals. The research articles in all journals published by BioMed Central are 'Open Access'. They are immediately and permanently available online without charge. A number of journals require an institutional or a personal subscription to view other content, such as reviews or paper reports. Free trial subscriptions to these journals are available. ... [Information of the supplier]
Galaxy Science ist eine umfassende Linksammlung eines kommerziellen Betreibers zu Themenbereichen der Biologie. Das Eintragen von Links kostet je nach Service etwa 10 bis 100 Dollar; das Ranking spiegelt daher in erster Linie andere Kriterien wieder als die rein wissenschaftliche Qualität der verlinkten Ressourcen. [Redaktion vifabio]
The WWW Virtual Library (VL) is the oldest catalogue of the Web, started by Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of HTML and of the Web itself, in 1991 at CERN in Geneva. Unlike commercial catalogues, it is run by a loose confederation of volunteers, who compile pages of key links for particular areas in which they are expert. ... [Information of the supplier]
Diese Webseite ist ein Angebot der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule ETH Zürich als Hilfestellung zur Suche von relevanten Datenbanken. Aus den vier Themenbereichen kann zwischen Chemie, Bio-, Pharmazeutischen und Materialwissenschaften ausgewählt werden, die Datenbanksuche kann aber auch durch die Auswahl von Unterkategorien dieser Themenbereiche verfeinert werden. Darüber hinaus ist die Suche nach individuellen Suchbegriffen und Anwendungsgebieten/Fragestellungen ebenfalls möglich. ... [Redaktion vifabio]
The Web pages listed on this site are taken from the third edition of Using the Biological Literature: A Practical Guide, by Diane Schmidt, Elisabeth B. Davis, and Pamela F. Jacobs (Marcel Dekker, 2002). This annotated guide to the literature of the biological sciences covers over 3,000 major books, journals, and Web sites of interest to biologists and biologists-in-training. ... [Information of the supplier]