Current activities are focussed towards the production of the first volume of the Flora of Nepal and capacity building projects in Nepal (e.g. a Darwin Initiative project) aimed at strengthening the institutional and human resources so that the Nepalese can fully engage in the production of the Flora. [Information of the supplier]
Bei der Ansprache schwierig zu bestimmender Pflanzenarten treten immer wieder Probleme auf. Die hier abrufbaren digitalen Bilder wichtiger Details können helfen, diese zu meistern. Sie bieten vor allem die Möglichkeit, ähnlich aussehende Sippen vergleichend nebeneinander zu betrachten. Dadurch fällt es wesentlich leichter, die in den Bestimmungsschlüsseln genannten Unterschiede zu erkennen. Die Bestimmungshilfen sind als Ergänzung zur "Flora von Thüringen" gedacht. Sie können aber auch den Umgang mit den meisten anderen Bestimmungsbüchern zur Flora von Deutschland erleichtern. ... [Information des Anbieters]
The Andean Botanical Information System (ABIS) presents information from floristic and systematic investigations of the flowering plants (phanerogams) of Andean South America. Topics include selected geographic regions and groups of Andean plants, flora of coastal Peru and Chile, floristic inventories from a variety of habitats in northern Peru, bibliographic resources, and searchable databases. ... [Information of the supplier]
The atlas of Florida vascular plants is a joint effort by the Institute for Systematic Botany, the University of South Florida and the Florida Center for Community Design and Research to provide users with a comprehensive searchable database of vascular plants in the State of Florida. Records are based on collections in the four major Florida institutional herbaria having the largest holdings of Florida plants: University of Florida (FLAS), Florida State University (FSU), Fairchild Tropical Gardens (FTG), and University of South Florida (USF). ... [Information of the supplier]
The digital library of the Royal Botanic Garden (CSIC) was set up because of two factors: an extraordinary wealth of documents and active research. The Royal Botanic Garden, on account of its rich and lengthy history, has a magnificent collection of antequarian botanical books. Apart from the intrinsic value of this historic and scientific heritage, the collection is constantly consulted by researchers investigating the organization and distribution of organisms, or the relationship between scientific names and the organisms they are applied to. Work began on digitalizing the antequarian books in 2003. Web design and development was finished in 2005 ... [Information of the supplier]
Anthos is a program that was developed in order to show assorted information about the plant life of Spain on the Internet. The overall geographical environment chosen for the project is a view of the Iberian Peninsula and the Macaronesian islands (Canaries, Madeira and the Azores) as a representation of each of the biogeographical units to be found in Spain, so that the distribution of a taxon may be studied throughout the entire national territory and surrounding area, fully integrating the taxon in its geographical component. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
During the first thirty years of Atlas Florae Europaeae (AFE), the basic technology for the collection of distribution data and publication of distribution maps has remained practically unchanged. Manual map production as such is rather tedious. Furthermore, distribution data available only on printed maps are not suitable for further (computerized) analyses. The construction of the Atlas Florae Europaeae database was started in 1992. The primary goal was to make the distribution data available in digital format, and the additional goal was the computerization of the editorial process of AFE. The printed AFE distribution maps were processed this way: - the maps were scanned at 300 dpi resolution / - locations of the grid cells (4419) were calculated on the scanned bitmap images / - arrays of black pixels were searched from the bitmaps using custom software / - the map originals and and their interpretation were compared using custom software. So far all printed AFE volumes (1 to 12) have been processed this way. ... [Information of the supplier]
‘Botany in Pictures’ has set itself the aim of documenting the entire flora of Austria and the adjoining regions in pictures. In the meantime, our digital picture archive has grown to more than 30000 photos whereby we have been able to enlarge our own picture holding with numerous entries from other photo-botanists who have generously made their photos available to us. Thus, we can quickly expand ‘Botany in Pictures’ and continually show new pictures on the internet. Up to now, 1800 species have been documented in ‘Botany in Pictures’, with more than 2700 pictures. Many other pictures can be made available by request. ... [Information of the supplier, translated]
In the literature database of the Botanical Institute of the University of Innsbruck, articles from current journals and the new books and separata of the institute are registered. Up to the spring of 2006 ca. 50000 citations were already recorded; the database will be continuously expanded. One focal point is formed by geobotanical, bryological, and palaeobotanical journals; Vegetatio, Nova Hedwigia and several palaeobotanical journals for example, are complete from Volume 1 (as long as they are in the library’s holdings). The geographical emphasis is on Tyrol / Austria, thought the database is not restricted to this area. ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
The Ecological Database of the British Isles has been constructed from a wide variety of sources by Dr Helen Peat and Professor Alastair Fitter at the University of York, with financial support from the British Ecological Society and the Natural Environment Research Council. It consists of data on over 1770 species of higher plants that occur in the British Isles, together with the bibliography of sources. This version has been realised by Dr Henry Ford. The data comprises information on taxonomy (family, genus, specific name, authority, and vernacular name, together with a synonomy), a suite of over 130 ecological and morphological characteristics, vice-county distribution in Britain, European distribution by country, mycorrhizal associations and fungal diseases. The data are obtained from the literature and therefore coverage varies greatly between species. Some data sets are incomplete at this stage. ... [Information of the supplier]