On behalf of the German Society for Parasitology and the scientific committee I cordially invite you to the 27th Annual DGP meeting. It is my great pleasure to welcome you on this occasion at the Georg-August University in Göttingen.From 9–12 March 2016 you can expect an interesting scientific program that reflects the different disciplines which cover the field of parasitology. Both, the basic biology of parasites as well as applied, translational research will be represented within the conference. Together with my colleagues from the scientific committee I hope that you appreciate the value of our plenary sessions where internationally renowned experts provide broader insights into their recent exciting findings and novel developments. In addition, I am pleased to invite you to present and discuss your latest research results within thematic workshops and allocated poster sessions. In particular I would like to encourage young parasitologists to present their latest results to a wider audience and to exchange ideas. ... [Information of the supplier]
Offering high-quality colour diagnostic images and information on pests and diseases along with a number of comparative native species. PaDIL helps protect against invasive threats to Australia's economy, environment, human health and amenity. Guarding against pest and disease invasion is a key component of Australia's National Plant Health Strategy and the National Prevention and Management of Marine Pest Incursions. Rapid recognition of Emergency Plant Pests and Marine Pests is critical to ensure appropriate response strategies are implemented. PaDIL is one tool that can greatly enhance this process. ... [Information of the supplier]
The International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) was established in January 2001 as a non-profit organization and is registered in Darmstadt, Germany. ISPI promotes information exchange with the aim to contribute to the development of pest management methods which are effective and safe for humans and the environment. For us the term 'pest' covers: a) animal pests, diseases and weeds in agriculture, forestry and stores; b) arthropods (e.g. insects), which are harmful to livestock or effect humans directly. We have started to assemble and maintain databases which contain lists of pests, beneficials and literature, as well as addresses of relevant research institutes, companies, organizations, scientists and professionals. The information is disseminated through the internet and on CDs. Currently our main activity is the preparation and distribution of the 'Pest Directory' database as a CD. ISPI is organized as a network of scientists, who participate in Society activities like data collection or the design and operation of internet pages. Membership is open to anyone willing to promote the aims of the Society. There are no membership fees, instead Members support the Society through their activities. The Society recognizes: a) Contributing Members, who stay in regular contact with ISPI and update information on their own affiliation, their publications and on relevant international meetings they are involved in. b) Active Members, who participate in the organization of the Society and the preparation and distribution of the databases. The active members elect every three years an Executive Committee (composed of the President, the Vice-President and the Executive Officer) as well as a Finance Committee, composed of 3 to 5 Finance Officers who are not member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee organizes and helps to implement the activities of the Society. The Finance Committee examines the expenditures of the Society and verifies that they correspond with the aims and rules of the Society. Members who cannot participate in the meetings electing the Society Officers can vote in advance by e-mail. ... [Information of the supplier]
iMapInvasives provides an on-line, GIS-based data management system to assist citizen scientists and natural resource managers working to protect natural resources from the threat of invasive species. The iMapInvasives Partnership facilitates the management and sharing of invasive species information, including extent of infestations, search efforts, and treatment outcomes. Affordable, sustainable, and collaborative tools developed by the Partnership provide a flexible platform for aggregating invasive species data from a wide variety of sources. These tools add value by organizing the data to support early detection of new populations that may require a rapid response, and analysis of management strategies at scales relevant to user needs. The Partnership seeks to support all those working to safeguard environmental resources from the effects of invasive species including citizens, volunteers, natural and agricultural resource managers, as well as scientists, program administrators, and policy makers. ... [Information of the supplier]
On behalf of the German Society for Parasitology (DGP) and the scientific committee I cordially invite you to the 28th DGP meeting. Research in parasitology continues to be a vivid field of life sciences with many exciting new findings and important challenges. This includes not only basic investigations on the biological processes occurring during the parasite-host encounter, the establishment and reproduction of parasites in various environments, but also applied studies on the treatment and control of parasitic infections. Traditionally, the biannual scientific conference of the DGP offers a platform for a broad spectrum of contemporary parasitological topics and research questions. This will also be the case at the next meeting, which will be held from 21-24 March 2018 in Berlin at the "Hery-Ford-Bau" on the main campus of the Freie Universität Berlin in Dahlem. ... [Information of the supplier]
Diese Site bietet allgemeine Informationen zum Thema Parasiten des Menschen. Neben Links sind auch Abbildungen zur Verwendung für den Schuluntericht vorhanden. [Redaktion vifabio]
This guide provides photographs and descriptions of biological control (or biocontrol) agents of insect, disease and weed pests in North America. It is also a tutorial on the concept and practice of biological control and integrated pest management (IPM). [Information of the supplier]
PHI-base is a web-accessible database that catalogues experimentally verified pathogenicity, virulence and effector genes from fungal, Oomycete and bacterial pathogens, which infect animal, plant, fungal and insect hosts. PHI-base is therfore an invaluable resource in the discovery of genes in medically and agronomically important pathogens, which may be potential targets for chemical intervention. In collaboration with the FRAC team, PHI-base also includes antifungal compounds and their target genes. Each entry in PHI-base is curated by domain experts and is supported by strong experimental evidence (gene disruption experiments, STM etc), as well as literature references in which the original experiments are described. Each gene in PHI-base is presented with its nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence, as well as a detailed description of the predicted protein's function during the host infection process. To facilitate data interoperability, we have annotated genes using controlled vocabularies and links to external sources. ... [Information of the supplier]
In 1997, parasitologists at the Universities of Alberta and Calgary decided to offer a joint undergraduate course on the Principles of Parasitism, with lectures given by live videoconference. It was decided to forego the traditional "sit-down-at-a-microscope" laboratory in favor of a lab that was completely web-based. This web site evolved as part of that project. Over the years we have had numerous requests from around the world for access to the web lab. As the site has evolved, it has become necessary to password-protect parts of the site that deal with our teaching function. We have decided to extract the basic laboratory component of the site and make it freely-accessible. The result is this site you are now viewing. ... [Information of the supplier]