Detailed overview:
Micropia - shows the invisible
Title: Micropia - shows the invisible
Creator: Natura Artis Magistra <Amsterdam>
Abstract: Micropia connects science with its various stakeholders, encouraging a wide public to discover microbiology from an early age. That is how Micropia will boost the image of microbiology in our society, leading to more students, more co-operation between the various stakeholders, more support from society at large and more innovation. In the process, Micropia is set to become an international platform for microbiology. Micropia shows the invisible, introducing a wide public to the world of the microbe. There is information about current issues and on the effect microbes have on man and nature and the possibilities they offer us. Micropia, by means of her museum, activities and website, will connect scientists, politicians, the business community, students, school pupils, journalists, and everyone who is interested. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Microorganisms, fungi and algae (579)
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Audience: Beginner; Intermediate
Language: Dutch; English
Format: website
Resource type: Museums and Collections;
Discipline based websites
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2016-05-24
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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