Detailed overview:
Mathematical and Computational Evolutionary Biology Conference 2015
Title: Mathematical and Computational Evolutionary Biology Conference 2015
Title abbreviated: mceb2015
Venue: Porquerolles
Start date: 2015-06-21
End date: 2015-06-25
Creator: Gascuel, Olivier [Organizing Committee]; et al.
Abstract: Mathematical and computational tools and concepts form an essential basis for modern evolutionary studies. The rise of sound statistical and combinatorial approaches in evolutionary and genome biology has offered considerable improvements beyond the original ad hoc approaches, providing new methods and algorithms to handle ever-growing data sets. Such advances require an increasingly sophisticated mathematical treatment of the problems at hand and the reliance on faster algorithms and computers in order to answer important biological questions. The theme of this year’s edition will be "New Data, New Questions, New Methods". New generation sequencing techniques have multiplied not just the amount, but also the types of genetic data produced (e.g. RNA-seq, single-cell sequencing, ChIP-seq, Hi-C, ancient DNA, RAD-seq…), giving rise to new questions, and new methodologies to answer them. These methodologies are often cross-disciplinary, with applications to diverse research topics such as gene expression, cancer, development, genome evolution, epigenetics. General concepts, models, methods and algorithms will be presented and discussed, just as during the previous conference editions. To present the recent advances in the field and discuss open questions and problems, the meeting will bring together researchers originating from various disciplines: mathematics, computer science, phylogenetics and population genetics. Keynote speakers will introduce a field of research and discuss their own work in this field (see below). Afternoon will be for short presentations and posters, with plenty of time for discussions. We will stop early every day, thus leaving time for other activities, such as hiking, snorkeling or simply lying on the beach. The number of attendees will be limited, so as to favor small group interaction. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Auxilliary techniques and procedures/apparatus, equipment, materials/microscopy (570.28);
Evolution (576.8)
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Spatial coverage: France and Monaco
Audience: Experts
Language: English
Format: website
Resource type: Conferences and Congresses (archive)
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2015-06-26
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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