Detailed overview:
Foldit - Solve Puzzles for Science
Title: Foldit - Solve Puzzles for Science
Title abbreviated: Foldit
Creator: Cooper, Seth; et al.
Abstract: "Here we describe Foldit, a multiplayer online game that engages non-scientists in solving hard prediction problems. Foldit players interact with protein structures using direct manipulation tools and user-friendly versions of algorithms from the Rosetta structure prediction methodologyiv, while they compete and collaborate to optimize the computed energy." [Source of abstract: Predicting protein structures with a multiplayer online game. Seth Cooper, Firas Khatib, Adrien Treuille, Janos Barbero, Jeehyung Lee, Michael Beenen, Andrew Leaver-Fay, David Baker, Zoran Popović and Foldit players. In Nature 466, 756-760 (2010)] [Miscellaneous as indicated]
Subject: Proteins (572.6)
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Audience: Beginner; Intermediate; Experts
Language: English
Format: website; software
Resource type: Textbooks / Online-textbooks
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2013-12-06
Metadata provider: UBFfm
URL of this vifabio-resource:
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