Detailed overview:
Crustacea Summer Meeting Costa Rica 2013
Title: Crustacea Summer Meeting Costa Rica 2013
Title abbreviated: TCS Summer Meeting 2013
Venue: San José
Start date: 2013-07-07
End date: 2013-07-11
Creator: Wehrtmann, Ingo S. [Host]; et al.
Abstract: We are happy to inform you that the forthcoming Summer Meeting of The Crustacean Society (TCS), jointly hosted with the Latin American Association of Carcinology (ALCARCINUS), will be celebrated between Sunday 07 to Thursday 11 July 2013 in San José, Costa Rica, Central America. The event is open to any presentation on crustacean research, and we encourage colleagues to present results of their novel and innovating research. Currently, we have started to organize sessions on Sustainable Aquaculture, Molecular Phylogeny, Ecology, Reproduction & Development, Crustacean Fisheries, Behaviour and Conservation Biology in Crustaceans, Biology and Biodiversity of Peracarida and Biology and Biodiversity of the Branchiopoda. However, other topics are more than welcome. Contributions on crustaceans from any region of the world are welcome, and there is no geographical limitation to Latin America. This meeting, however, will have a “Latin American touch”: 1) the conference speakers invited by us will be from Latin America or have a long-standing collaboration with Latin America; and 2) although the preferred conference language will be English, we will open the possibility to present talks in Spanish, as long as the slides are in English. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Crustacea (595.3)
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Spatial coverage: Middle America, Mexico
Audience: Experts
Language: English
Format: website
Resource type: Conferences and Congresses (archive)
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2013-07-16
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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