Title: | Database of Viral siRNA / shRNA |
Title abbreviated: | VIRsiRNAdb |
Identifier: | http://crdd.osdd.net/servers/virsirnadb/ |
Creator: | Kumar, Manoj; Thakur, Nishant; Qureshi, Abid |
Publisher: | Open Source Drug Discovery Initiative |
Abstract: | Viral siRNA Database (VIRsiRNAdb) is a structured collection of experimentally validated siRNAs reported in the scientific literature targeting diverse genes of important human viruses. The curation efforts to date has concentrated mainly on viruses known to be associated with infectious diseases in humans. Currently the database provides experimental information of 1358 siRNAs, mined from relevant Pubmed artcles, which includes siRNA sequence, virus subtype, target gene, GenBank accession, design algorithim, cell type, and efficacy. Further, wherever available, extended information regarding alternative efficacy assays has also been provided. VIRsiRNAdb also allows the users to take advantage of useful tools like siRNAblast, siRNAmap and siTarAlign. As a result our database will become increasingly useful for developing siRNA design tools. Additionally this database will help the user to confirm whether a given siRNA sequence or similar one has already been reported or not and also what experimental conditions were used and which genomic segments are more indispensable for different human viruses. [Information of the supplier] |
Subject: |
RNA (Ribonucleic acid) (572.88)
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Audience: | Experts |
Language: | English |
Format: | website; database |
Resource type: | Factual databases |
Access: | free |
Metadata update date: | 2015-01-23 |
Metadata provider: | |
URL of this vifabio-resource: | http://www.vifabio.de/en/iqfBio/detail/7843 |
© Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Biologie (vifabio) |