Title: | International Association for Aerobiology (IAA) |
Title abbreviated: | IAA |
Identifier: | https://sites.google.com/site/aerobiologyinternational/ |
Creator: | Frenguelli, Giuseppe <Präsident> |
Abstract: | The IAA was founded on September 11th, 1974 in the Hague, The Netherlands. At that time, aerobiology was not a new science as such, although its organization and international outlook was considered a really new phenomenon. As a matter of fact, aerobiology became a theme in 1964, when IBP (International Biological Program) was established. Subsequently, in 1968, an International Aerobiology Working Group was constituted to coordinate all the national aerobiological programs. Today the IAA has a membership of about 800 and is run by the Council, composed of members nominated by associated societies and organizations and by the Executive Committee comprising the President, Vice-President, Past-President, Secretary-General Treasurer, Webmaster and Newsletter Editor. They are elected by the Council taking office at the end of each Congress. Their term lasts 4 years, coinciding with the intervening period between two Congresses. The IAA organizes the Quadrennial Congress (International Congress on Aerobiology - ICA) which includes plenary sessions, symposia, scientific meetings, section meetings, commissions, committees, working groups, and exhibits on all aspects of aerobiology. Moreover, several International Courses and Meetings are being steadily held under the auspices of the IAA. The IAA publishes the International Aerobiology Newsletter twice a year and gathers all researchers interested in the study of atmospheric particles of biological origin. [Information of the supplier] |
Subject: |
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Spatial coverage: | Air and water |
Audience: | Experts |
Language: | English |
Format: | website |
Resource type: | Academic societies, professional associations, working groups |
Access: | free |
Metadata update date: | 2013-02-26 |
Metadata provider: | |
URL of this vifabio-resource: | http://www.vifabio.de/en/iqfBio/detail/7838 |
© Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Biologie (vifabio) |