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Austrian Fungi Database
Title: Austrian Fungi Database
Title alternative: Datenbank der Pilze Österreichs; Database of Fungi in Austria
Creator: Dämon, Wolfgang [Project coordinator]; et al.
Abstract: The project “Austrian fungi Database“ has the aim to document extensively presence and distribution of fungi in Austria as well as to present and analyse the available data. It is an Austrian-wide cooperation of numerous professional and amateur mycologists and institutions collecting distribution data or maintaining fungal collections. Coordination is done by the Austrian Mycological Society. The online-version of the database offers the possibility to view distribution maps of over 7.800 fungal taxa and to retrieve the active data status of over 310.000 records coming from more than 7.000 different localities throughout Austria. Besides data on locality and date of collection as exact as possible, each data set comprises important information on habitat and substrate of the records, on determination and scientific documentation of the finds as well as on origin and source of the data stored viz. presently over 5 million single data. Further, on these web pages there are data summaries and graphical displays of the parameters covered by the database for single fungal species ("Profile") as well as for administrative and geographic units (provinces, districts, communities, regions, mapping grid squares) or for the total data set. All data lists and diagrams, as well as distribution maps and distribution data are directly generated out of the database. Project collaboration, especially communication of new records, is highly welcome. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Fungi, Eumycophyta (True fungi) (579.5);
Treatments of animals by specific continents, countries, localities (591.9)
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Spatial coverage: Austria and Liechtenstein
Audience: Beginner; Intermediate; Experts
Language: English; German
Format: website; database
Resource type: Factual databases
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2012-10-18
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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