Detailed overview:
BugGuide.Net : Identification, Images, & Information For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin For the United States & Canada
Title: BugGuide.Net : Identification, Images, & Information For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin For the United States & Canada
Title abbreviated:; BugGuide
Creator: Bartlett, Troy
Publisher: Iowa State University / Department of Entomology
Abstract: We are an online community of naturalists who enjoy learning about and sharing our observations of insects, spiders, and other related creatures. We enjoy the opportunity to instill in others the fascination and appreciation that we share for the intricate lives of these oft-maligned creatures. Our Mission: Using the best resources we have access to, we are creating a knowledgebase to help each other and the online community. We summarize our findings in guide pages like the one shown at right. Our Method: We collect photographs of bugs from the United States and Canada for identification and research. Making New Discoveries: More than just a clearinghouse for information, this site helps expand on the natural histories of our subjects. By capturing the place and time that submitted images were taken, we are creating a virtual collection that helps define where and when things might be found. We capture never before seen behaviors and we have photos of species that you won't find anywhere else on the web. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Arthropods (595)
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Spatial coverage: Canada;
United States
Audience: Beginner; Intermediate
Language: English
Format: website
Resource type: Discipline based websites
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2012-09-27
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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