Detailed overview:
North American Moth Photographers Group
Title: North American Moth Photographers Group
Title abbreviated: Moth Photographers Group
Creator: Mississippi Entomological Museum <Starkville, MS>
Abstract: The Moth Photographers Group exists as a non-profit, self-help organization for the purpose of aiding nature photographers and others in the identification of moths. The ultimate aim of the organization is to make available on the Internet photographs of a high percentage of the moths occuring in North America. There is no charge for membership in the MPG. Participants agree to permit their photographs to be used on this website while retaining copyright ownership. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Lepidoptera (595.78)
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Spatial coverage: North America
Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: English
Format: website; database
Resource type: Factual databases;
Discipline based websites
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2012-09-27
Metadata provider: UBFfm
URL of this vifabio-resource:
© Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Biologie (vifabio)
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