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Eco-Index - connecting conservationists across the Americas
Title: Eco-Index - connecting conservationists across the Americas
Title abbreviated: Eco-Index
Creator: Rainforest Alliance <New York, NY>
Abstract: The Rainforest Alliance launched the Eco-Index(R) in 2001 to provide the conservation community with a quickly and easily accessible vehicle to share project data and reports, lessons learned, and best practices in a succinct and consistent format. To best serve our audience, the entire site is available in English and Spanish, and profiles of projects based in Brazil are in Portuguese. Go to the Project Search page to find project information that interests you. Each profile posted on the Eco-Index is submitted and updated each year by project directors. Before any information is posted on the site, it is carefully edited and translated by our staff of conservation professionals to ensure that we are providing information that is as useful as possible. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Conservation and protection (333.72)
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Spatial coverage: Middle America, Mexico;
South America
Audience: Beginner; Intermediate
Language: English; Spanish
Format: website
Resource type: Non-governmental organisations
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2012-08-06
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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