Detailed overview:
Title: Alpandino
Creator: Körner, Christian
Contributor: Stöcklin, Jürg; Zumbrunn, Thomas; et al.
Abstract: Alpandino emerged from ALPECOLe, an e-learning course in alpine ecology jointly developed by a consortium of Swiss institutions as part of the Swiss Virtual Campus program. Alpandino is the Spanish translation of the globally applicable alpine plant ecology part of ALPECOLe. The original ALPECOLe course also offers lessons that are rather specific to the Alps or to the temperate zone and thus have not been considered for translation in the context of Alpandino (e.g. specific accounts of vegetation, animals, glaciers and history of treeline in central Europe). Alpandino contains 10 lecture units, 1-8 designed by Christian Körner and 9 and 10 by Jürg Stöcklin, both Institute of Botany, University of Basel. [Information of the supplier]
Subject: Mountain ecology (577.53)
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Spatial coverage: Land and landforms;
Central Europe, Germany;
South America
Audience: Beginner; Intermediate
Language: English; Spanish
Format: website; software
Resource type: Textbooks / Online-textbooks;
Discipline based websites
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2012-08-02
Metadata provider: UBFfm
URL of this vifabio-resource:
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