Detailed overview:
Sphingidae of the Eastern Palaearctic
Title: Sphingidae of the Eastern Palaearctic
Title alternative: Sphingidae of the Eastern Palaearctic (including Siberia, the Russian Far East, Mongolia, China, Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula and Japan)
Creator: Pittaway, A.R.; Kitching, Ian J.
Contributor: Lin, Felix
Abstract: The Site includes most verified information for every sphingid species and subspecies recorded from the Eastern Palaearctic and concentrates on the taxonomy, biology, ecology and biogeography of each taxon. For many species there is collated information from Chinese literature sources that are difficult to obtain in the West. The phylogenetic sequence of genera and taxonomy of species follows Kitching & Cadiou (2000) (with the exception of Callambulyx sichangensis, q.v.). Species/subspecies are treated alphabetically within genera. Under each species/subspecies there is the original description and type locality (interpreted as necessary), and all of the following data categories, where known. Data on original descriptions and type localities are given. The Site includes observations and discussion of taxonomic questions pertinent to the taxon. This section is not included for every species. [Information of the supplier, modified]
Table of contents: Systematic List / Family: Sphingidae / Subfamily: Smerinthinae / Tribe: Smerinthini / Genus: Langia, Laothoe, Smerinthus, Craspedortha, Parum, Anambulyx, Marumba, Morwennius, Daphnusa, Phyllosphingia, Mimas, Rhodambulyx, Rhodoprasina, Cypoides, Cypa, Smerinthulus, Degmaptera, Opistoclanis, Callambulyx, Sataspes, Leucophlebia, Clanis, Clanidopsis, Polyptychus / Tribe: Sphingulini / Genus: Pentateucha, Kentrochrysalis, Dolbina, Sphingulus / Tribe: Ambulycini / Genus: Ambulyx, Barbourion, Amplypterus / Subfamily: Sphinginae / Tribe: Sphingini / Genus: Sphinx, Apocalypsis, Pseudodolbina, Meganoton, Psilogramma / Tribe: Acherontiini Genus: Megacorma, Agrius, Acherontia / Subfamily: Macroglossinae / Tribe: Dilophonotini / Genus: Aleuron, Hemaris, Cephonodes / Tribe: Macroglossini Genus: Sphecodina, Proserpinus, Neogurelca, Sphingonaepiopsis, Nephele, Angonyx, Cizara, Hayesiana, Eurypteryx, Daphnis, Ampelophaga, Eupanacra, Enpinanga, Elibia, Acosmerycoides, Acosmeryx, Micracosmeryx, Dahira, Macroglossum, Hyles, Deilephila, Hippotion, Pergesa, Theretra, Griseosphinx, Rhagastis, Cechenena.
Subject: Lepidoptera (595.78)
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Spatial coverage: China and adjacent areas;
Siberia (Asiatic Russia)
Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: English
Format: website
Resource type: Discipline based websites
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2011-04-28
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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