Detailed overview:
Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium
Title: Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium
Creator: Prins, Willy De; Steeman, Chris
Publisher: Flemish Entomological Society
Abstract: The order Lepidoptera is one of the largest orders in the class of insects. It contains a.o. the very popular butterflies on which a huge amount of information has been published. However, the butterflies group only 4.5% of the total number of Lepidoptera species in Belgium. They are important as bio-indicators and can easily be observed as they are active by daytime. By far the largest number of Belgian Lepidoptera are active during the night, which makes their observation more difficult. Nevertheless, a lot of information on them was gathered by several entomologists, and these data are included in the present catalogue. [Information of the supplier]
Table of contents: Introduction / References / Acknowledgements / Latest additions and news.
Subject: Lepidoptera (595.78)
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Spatial coverage: Southern Low Countries, Belgium
Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: English
Format: website
Resource type: Discipline based websites
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2011-03-10
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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