Detailed overview:
German Association for the Protection of Common Swifts
Title: German Association for the Protection of Common Swifts
Title alternative: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mauersegler e. V.; Asociación Alemana para la Protección de Vencejos; Società Tedesca per la Protezione di Rondoni
Creator: DGfM = Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mauersegler e. V. <Frankfurt, Main>
Contributor: Haupt, Christiane [1. Vorsitzende]
Abstract: The web site of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mauersegler e.V. (DGfM; German Association for the Protection of Common Swifts), founded 2000, provides exhaustive information about identification, biology and protection of the Common Swift (Apus apus). The main focus of this site is the public education how to handle foundlings (first aid, veterinary care, husbandry, release to the wild). Additionally the work of the society and the Swift Rescue Center Frankfurt are presented. [Editorial staff vifabio]
Table of contents: Common Swift (Identification, Biology, Human Interaction, Nesting Boxes) / Handling of Foundlings / Veterinary Aspects / Swift Rescue Center / Society
Subject: Apodiformes (598.76)
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Audience: Beginner; Intermediate; Experts
Language: English; French; German; Italian; Spanish
Format: website
Resource type: Non-governmental organisations;
Discipline based websites
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2010-11-15
Metadata provider: SDEI
URL of this vifabio-resource:
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