Detailed overview:
Norwegian Entomological Society
Title: Norwegian Entomological Society
Title alternative: Norsk entomologisk forening
Creator: Norsk entomologisk forening <Stavanger >
Abstract: The Norwegian Entomological Society (Norsk entomologisk forening) was founded in 1904. Its goal is to promote the interest for and study of insects. The society currently has about 600 members, mostly from Norway. Of special interest for foreign members are the journals Norwegian Journal of Entomology and Insecta norvegiae, both of which are published in English. The Society also publishes Insekt-Nytt (=Insect News), a magazine for hobbyists published primarily in Norwegian. A lot of issues of these journals are available for free as PDF's. [Information of the supplier, modified]
Table of contents: Norwegian Entomological Society / Journals
Subject: Organizations and management (590.6);
Insecta (Insects) (595.7)
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Spatial coverage: Scandinavia
Audience: Intermediate
Language: English; Norwegian
Format: website
Resource type: Academic societies, professional associations, working groups
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2010-09-29
Metadata provider: SDEI
URL of this vifabio-resource:
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