Detailed overview:
Global Names Architecture - GNA : managing names, serving biology
Title: Global Names Architecture - GNA : managing names, serving biology
Title abbreviated: Global Names Architecture - GNA
Creator: Algaebase [sponsoring partner]; et al.
Abstract: The Global Names Architecture (GNA) is a system of databases, programs, and web services - a cyberinfrastructure - that can be used to discover, index, organize and interconnect on-line information about organisms and their names. When a thing has a name, that name becomes an anchor around which we can collect our observations and knowledge. The use of names as a framework for knowledge of biology began with the system of scientific names introduced by Linnaeus about 250 years ago. His approach was to use latin binomials, such as Ba humbugi (it's a snail), Pompholyxophrys punicea (a microbe) or Homo sapiens (a self-aware biped). This system is still used for almost all organisms. Names are included in almost every statement and database about organisms. In the e-world, names are metadata which can be used to discover and organize information about organisms. The Global Names Architecture is a communal open environment that manages names so that we can manage information about organisms and serve the needs of biologists. [Information of the supplier]
Table of contents: Names Index (GNI) / Editing environment (GNITE) / Usage Bank (GNUB) / Technical standards and specifications.
Subject: Language and communication (570.14)
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Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: English
Format: website
Resource type: Other institutions / organisations;
Discipline based websites
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2015-10-05
Metadata provider: UBFfm
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