Detailed overview:
Zentrale Dokumentation Tiergenetischer Ressourcen in Deutschland (TGRDEU)
Title: Zentrale Dokumentation Tiergenetischer Ressourcen in Deutschland (TGRDEU)
Title abbreviated: TGRDEU
Creator: BLE = Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung <Bonn> / Referat 513 - Informations- und Koordinationszentrum Biologische Vielfalt (IBV)
Abstract: The pages of the Central Documentation of Animal Genetic Resources in Germany (TGRDEU) outline the whole range of farm animal breeding in Germany in terms of breeders’ organisations and the farm animals of the species horse, cattle, pig, sheep and goat as well as poultry and rabbit. [Information of the supplier, modified]
Subject: Beneficial animals (591.63);
Animal husbandry (636)
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Spatial coverage: Central Europe, Germany
Audience: Intermediate; Experts
Language: English; German
Format: website; database
Resource type: Factual databases
Access: free
Metadata update date: 2016-12-12
Metadata provider: UBFfm
URL of this vifabio-resource:
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